Sunday 13 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

I hope you have all had a good week .. .. and if not that the coming week is going to be much better for you!

Another new years resolution is coming into play today .. .. which is to get back to taking part in Pixie's  Snippets Playground Challenge in an effort to cull some of my snippets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

I have rather fell by the wayside and ashamedly hardly visited the playground at all last year (sorry Miss Di) .. .. in fact my posting in general suffered last year.  But to be fair it was a very unusual year with Mum being so poorly and the whole dynamics and priorities of my life changed.  But thankfully things seem to have now settled into a routine and provided Mum continues to behave herself things should be good going forward.

I find it hard to believe that Di has been admirably in charge of the Playground for 7 years (renamed to Pixie's Snippets Playground).  It only seems like yesterday I handed the keys over .. .. as you will read in my very last snippet post here

It all started as a new years resolution in January 2011 when I began my own personal mission to just use "leftovers" on a Sunday and I gave myself the challenge of doing this for a whole year.  Little knowing how it would take off and be enjoyed by so many of you lovely blog buddies who played along.  No Mr Linky for me then .. .. I would link to everyone's entries within my blog post.  Oh .. .. I remember it well. It took me ages some weeks LOL!!!

Mr Linky more than likely existed .. .. but I would probably have been too frightened to try and use it in those days.

Di has really worked wonders with the challenge and has made it far more fun and interesting than I could ever have done.  She is a true wonder and has built up a lovely band of playground followers .. .. and is still finding new ones participating into the challenge most weeks!  

I revealed the extent of my "snippets" at the start of my mission in 2011 and must admit by the end of the year they looked much more impressive.  But oh my word!!!  If you saw my snippets now .. .. .. well I am sure I would die of embarrassment.   

The challenge with Di is fortnightly but I am still going to "try" and post every Sunday .. .. one week entering the challenge and the other week just making with snippets .. .. just because I need to.

So here we go with this week's effort .. .. .. designed for Valentine's Day

the insert will simply say "Always"  .. .. "With my love on Valentine's Day".

As before I am still going to be lazy on a Sunday and not list my ingredients .. .. but if there is anything you want to know then please just shout and I will do my best to help.

Before I go though I would sincerely like to thank Di for all of her hard work over the past seven years .. .. and for being so brave in taking the challenge on.  You have been .. . and still are .. an absolute star!!!


  1. A lovely card Jules and good to read your old snippets posts too!
    Kath x

  2. How lovely to see you in the playground and with such a lovely card too. I also have an embarrassment of snippets despite using them regularly. I've often said that I think they breed when left alone overnight!!

  3. Only you can make snippets this classy! it! xxx

  4. This is a wonderful design Jules, love the background papers and the heart is beautifully decorated, Kate x

  5. A super Valentine card Jules, such a fabulous design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. What a beautiful card from snippets, absolutely gorgeous ! And I must admit, that I also have lots of snippets, but I find it very difficult, to make something nice with it. Maybe I shouldn't think so much about it and just "throw" it together... :) I do hope, that you'll have enough free time this year, to make your weekly snippets card. Hugs, Enny

  7. A beautiful card Jules. CAS at it's best! I don't know how you got through last year and all it's challenges. At least your Mum is much better. Have a great week. Hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  8. Such a beautiful snippets card Jules. You've reminded me that my own snippets pile (more like corner) needs to been used up. I think that I will have to make more of a effort to join in at the playground again this year.

    Sue xx

  9. Beautiful card Jules and so hard to believe it's a snippets make. Thank you for starting off such a wonderful challenge that we all enjoy taking part in over at Miss Di's Playground and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your snippets this year xx

  10. A sensational Sunday snippet!! Love the texture too xx

  11. Hello Jules! It is very nice to continue with this challenge for so many years, a wonderful job! The card was beautiful, very elegant and fine, I love how you decorated the heart, it is a very sweet proposal for Valentine's Day!

  12. I had not know of the snippets playground when you ran it Jules! It is a wonderful challenge and I'm so glad that Di took it over from you. We all have loads of snippets and trust me, I would be embarrassed to show you all of mine! lol I love your snippet Valentine card, it is just stunning! The snippet papers you used are beautiful, love the heart dangling and I love the rose. Your "be mine" is beautiful embossed in the gold and the twine, oh that just adds a nice rustic touch to this one! You always make the most beautiful cards my friend. Hoping your mum stays well and behaves herself. Hugs, Brenda

  13. Superb with no chance of not spotting the heart. Hugs Mrs A.

  14. What a delightful Valentine's Day card Jules - as always just total perfection as well, right down to the teeny red rose you added. Gosh, I recall trying to spot the heart and failing miserably at times! And remember the wonderful Penny Black 'spot which stamp this is' challenge you ran each year? That was huge fun as well.

    Thank you so, so much for your beautiful words, so very kind of you - I went very pink here! It was such an honour to take over from you and any changes I've made have often been to make life easier for me since numbers grew. I'm not sure as am still working through Mr Linky here catching up on commenting but I think we may have four newbies this fortnight! Sometimes they will play for a short time and drift away - others have been real stalwarts for many years. It's a joy to carry on with your great idea Jules - so thank you once again!

    Sorry to take so long to comment - blame a white fluffy bundle called Dudley!


    Di xx

  15. So beautiful and romantic, Jules!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx