Hi Everyone
Well here it is .. .. my landmark post .. .. my year of the snippet challenge has come to an end :-(
Part of me is sad to see my year end as I have had such fun with the challenge and met some lovely blog buddies through it .. .. but another part of me is excited to be handing it over to Di and seeing what she does with it.
I know everything will be in good and caring hands and of course I will still be taking part because .. .. .. believe it or not .. .. .. I still have snippets left in my collection LOL!!!.
The Challenge started out as a personal mission to use up all the leftover bits of card and paper that were slowly taking over my craft space and to begin with was simply called my "scrap day". People slowly started to join in and eventually it became quite a busy little challenge and it got re-named.
Here you can see the extent of my snippets as my mission began. I did set myself some quite strict rules in that I wasn't allowed to colour any images just to crack on and use up as much paper as possible and I did stick to that all year.
This has worked quite well but I must admit going forward I think I will allow myself to use images that are coloured and sitting in my "coloured and ready to be used drawer" .. .. as this is getting a little full now too LOL!!! (I take colouring to my Mum's with me and I colour whilst we put the world to rights. But it is surprising how your stocks can quickly build up).
So you have seen the extent of my snippets this time last year .. .. .. what do they look like now?
Well here are a couple of photographs I took yesterday.
Well here are a couple of photographs I took yesterday.
Now you might think that this is one almighty failure on my part .. .. but actually it is far from it as you have to take into consideration the fact that I craft 24/7 and am constantly making more snippets.
I only have to spend a day cutting out favour boxes and mats for wedding stationery to have produced a whole new mountain of snippets .. .. and they are far too gorgeous to simply throw away!!
OK so the little drawers are still full .. .. but at least they close now .. .. and the big drawer has definitely reduced. My hope was that the big drawer was going to slowly make its way into the small drawers and eventually be empty .. .. but there is a long way to go before that will happen.
But my mission is going to continue and I have taught myself a really good new habit .. .. I always go to my snippet drawers first now to see if there is something I can use there before I attack a fresh sheet of card.
So the lovely Di, is the new keeper of the playground keys and has kicked us all off today with a lovely make .. .. I can just tell she is going to be a much more organised leader than I was .. .. she has already posted and had two playmates show their creations .. .. and I am still writing up the register LOL!!!
Some of that is because I didn't get to bed until 3.00am!! That's what celebrating a new year starting does for you!! Tee hee!!
Anyway, a quick snippet make to celebrate the keys going to a new home and also to enter into Pixie's Crafty Snippets Challenge Number 1:
This just leaves me with the task of calling my last register :-(
The first to call by the playground last week was Sally .. .. in fact Sally called by twice. The first collection of makes can be found here and the second set here. So many gorgeous makes to look at!! I know they aren't all snippet makes but they all deserve a good looking at as they are so inspirational and use lots of fabby techniques.
Irene was the next to share her snippets alongside a lovely Penny Black image. Beautiful snippets and a wonderful image that is coloured beautifully. Irene always manages to include a lovely bit of embossing with her cards .. .. great for adding an extra layer and a bit of texture!
Next to appear in the playground was my lovely Funky Hand playmate Jackie and what a fabulous array of creations she shared too. Jackie is like me and creates snippets 24/7 so has a fair few to go at LOL!! Lots of inspiration in Jackie's post!!
Next there was a super special share from the new keeper of the keys Di. Thank you Di for making such a super special make .. .. you are very kind.
Hazel was the next playmate to share two lovely snippet makes. The first you will find here and the next one here. Hazel always makes the most beautiful decorated notebooks and these two are no exception.
Then last but by no means least was the lovely Tammy who sadly is feeling a little under the weather at the moment. Tammy share a lovely thank you card she has made ... .. how super cute is this?
So that just leaves me to thank everyone who has ever, ever entered the snippet challenge and inspired me to use up my snippets and to wish each and every one of you a very, very happy new year.
I do hope you all continue to play along with the snippet challenge. I shall certainly be there with my entries.
Thank you Di for keeping the challenge going .. .. you are a star.
I will catch you again tomorrow. No Handy Hippo make .. .. I am still on the Christmas break but if you haven't done so already why not try and win the 20 promarkers Handy Hippo are offering here.
I will catch you again tomorrow. No Handy Hippo make .. .. I am still on the Christmas break but if you haven't done so already why not try and win the 20 promarkers Handy Hippo are offering here.

Happy New Year!
Your card is wonderful. I love the key charm.
Nikki x
Hi Jules
Happy New Year! Such a beuautiful "New Home" card! Loving the touch with the little key. I also had a look at your top 5 favourites and they are amazing!
Michaela xx
Hi Jules
Firstly, you little scallywag - partying until 3am :) The only reason the gates opened early is 'cos I didn't have to make sure I'd included all the playmates in the roll call posting. I think it's could be later on a Sunday in future. I absolutely adore your snippets card - and I spotted the heart too :) And, I do think your snippets have gone down in your year as 'Miss Jules' - hope you do keep on hopping into the challenge. We always (with a heart) love seeing what you've made. Mind you, it's often tough on my pocket when I see one of your stamped images/sentiments and just HAVE to go and buy the stamps :) Happy New Year - you might already be in bed or at least in your PJs after the fun and frolics of New Year :)) Love, Di xxx
Glad you have made a small dent in your snippets Jules! Gorgeous card, love the little key!
Helen x
Wow, Jules, I *definitely* see improvement in the amount of snippets you have!! Job well done!! Thank you for starting that challenge--I have so enjoyed seeing your creations and visiting your playmates' sites too. Happy New Year!
Hi Jules, I am very impressed with how you've managed to reduce your snippets! I have to confess that during my craft room clear out last week I put my snippets in the recycle bin! Awful, I know, but they were reallly 'getting to me', lol!! Recycling is better than throwing away and I'm sure I'll rebuild my pile pretty quickly!
Love your new home card - very fresh and pretty. Sounds like you had a great new year's eve!
Well Jules, it looks somewhat better but I know what you mean...it's like they multiply in the drawer or something!!! Myself I only have 1 container but I don't make cards every day...just for family and friends and some baby albums now and again! AND being the cheapo girl that I am, I always look in my snippets before cutting into a new piece of paper:)
Gorgeous card, so cute, Mary x
I have always loved checking out your snippit sunday makes ... I hope I will still have a few to check out!!! well done on reducing the pile ... I think we are all the same, I use scraps all the time, but I always seem to create more than I have used ... so well done on your reduced stash! Hugs Juls
Brilliant card Jules, your house image is brilliant - almost issed the heart.
Love your Snippet Make Jules. Glad us Snippeteers will be able to carry on, even if we've had to move schools!
Wishing you all the best for 2012 xxx
Happy New Year and hope that it will be a great one. Love the idea of this challenge, must have a look. :)
Thank you Jules for a year of wonderful crafty snippets - you will be missed.
Hope to see you in blogland in 2012 - wishing you and yours much happiness in the New Year.
Hugs, Sylvia xxx
Beautiful card, love the colurs and all the details:)
A gorgeous snippet card Jules, I love the colours and the sweet charm :)
Wishing you a Prosperous and Happy New Year :)
Hi Jules,
Well done on completing your year of snippets! I wish I'd had time to join in. My snippet mountain was never quite as high as yours, but bad enough! I think you've done amazingly well to reduce yours as much as you have. And with such fabulous cards too. Once I get my new craft room organised (and actually find my snippets!) I really must try and follow your example. Happy New Year!
Lynne xx
Hi Jules, many thanks for hosting the snippet challenge ... it has been fun and helped reduce my snippet mountain by a teeny weeny amount and at least it hasn't grown any larger :) And, at least you can close those drawers now ... that's got to mean you've used up a mountain of yours. Your card is lovely - the little house image is super and nice complimentary papers too. Elizabeth x
Hi Jules, well I've just had a look at the before & after pics of your snippet drawers & I think you've done yourself proud, well done!
This is a lovely card for Di's first snippet challenge. A nice colour combo & cute little house.
Sally x
Don't know how I missed this post Jules - guess I've been so busy over the last few weeks. So sad you're giving up the snippets post. Know I was a late arrival to your challenge and not always playing but I joined in when I could and loved your inspiration.
Will still be popping by to check out your fabulous creations and will check out Di too.
Happy New Year to you and all your family.
Ann xxx
A gorgeous card Jules, love the image and very pretty colours. Well done on reducing the snippets too hun.
Donna x
awesome new home card, you are the Queen of the snippets my friend!!!
gorgeous card jules.the new home image is fab and i love your fresh colours ;D
happy new year.
xx coops xx
Thank you so much for inventing the Snippets Challenge, it's been such fun! I hope to see you in the playground round by Di's place!
Happy New Year!
much love Mags B x
I shall really miss your snippet slot. I love the keys you made to hand over to the new "owner". Beautiful makes! Hugs, Lesley
Thanks for all your wonderful snippet inspiration Jules, love today's card. Will pop over to Di's and see what she's up to. A very happy new year to you. Carol x
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