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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.


A sketch can be a great starting point when you have the urge to create something .. .. but haven't got the foggiest idea where to start, or how you want your finished creation to look.  So in the hope of providing a bit of inspiration when these foggy moments occur I am putting together a sketch library to act as a reference point.

I already have a square sketch collection with over 50 examples available for people to play with, but I have now decided to start a rectangular sketch library too.  So double the fun!

As I create more sketches they will be posted here .. .. .. feel free to use them if you would like to and have fun creating.

Love Jules xx

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