My photo
A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.


A sketch can be a great starting point when you have the urge to create something .. .. but haven't got the foggiest idea where to start, or how you want your finished creation to look.  So in the hope of providing a bit of inspiration when these foggy moments occur I am putting together a sketch library to act as a reference point.

As I create more sketches they will be posted here .. .. .. feel free to use them if you would like to.

These are my square sketches, but I have recently started a rectangular one too and you will find those on a separate tab.

Don't forget that each sketch can be used in four ways.  Firstly as you see it below and then if you keep rotating it you have another three versions to have a go at.

Have fun if you decide to use one!

Love Jules xx



Carole said...

Very clever will have to try some of these x

Irene said...

Hello Jules

Your sketches are brilliant, and I will definately use them.
Thanks for sharing.


Gibmiss said...

Fabulous sketches Jules... Thankyou....
Hugs Sylvie xx

Jean said...

I am not very good with sketches as a rule but really like these and I am definitely going to try some of them. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Jean x

Eve said...

Hi Jules
I have borrowed sketch number two and linked back to you - thank you!!
Eve xx

An Occasional Genius said...

Jules, I am absolutely loving your sketches! Huge thank you for sharing them with us all. When I post them on my blog I will let you know. Your kindness is much appreciated xx

Linda said...

Thank you for the inspiration Jules, I'm sure these will come in handy on my "mojo gone missing days"
Linda xx

Claudia's kaartjes said...


I love you're sketches. I love to start with a sketch as starting point and go from there. Sometimes it turns to something different, then what I started.


Brawny x said...

Love these sketches. X

Carole J said...

Ohh - what a good idea to have a selection of your own personal sketches handy on your blog. I'll be sure to try some. x

Dotty Jo said...

Wow, Jules, just clicked here and am soooooo grateful for all the wonderful sketches you have here. Inspiration a'plenty - what a good idea, Jo x

Unknown said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one to do this! I'll certainly be trying out some of your layout sketches in the future. Thanks for a really helpful reference.

Jane Willis said...

Thanks for the heads up about your sketches. I often look out for a new-to-me sketch when I'm struggling for ideas, so I'm going to bookmark this page as a really useful resource. said...

Love all your cards, Jules and many thanks for this great tip about wooden stamps in the Misti. Have often wondered how I could improve stamping with the wooden stamps so this should ensure half a dozen pieces of card should not now be wasted!
Betty. x

kaartenepidemie said...

Amazing sketches on your blog maybe I will use this nice work from you
Thank very much , greetzz Epie .