Wednesday 17 April 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a good day .. .. I am just flying in quickly with this week's Christmas make .. .. or should I say makes .. .. some little teeny tiny ones!

I must admit my teeny tiny makes are high up the list of being my favourite ones to make, and being just 3.5 inches square they are just perfect for using up some of my huge stocks of snippets.

So here we go .. ..

These used:

Image:  Whipper Snapper "BY802" Let it Snow Snowmen (just part of the image was used)
Sentiment:  Penny Black "3535F" Snowflakes
Distress Inks:  Tumbled Glass, Iced Spruce and Faded Jeans
White Embossing Powder
Diamond Stickles
Waste Dots from a Silver Peel Off Sheet

I am taking my little makes over to "Pixie's Snippets Playground" where we are encouraged to use up our "leftovers" and also to the "Christmas Kickstart Challenge #8" where the theme this fortnight is "Frosty and his friends".  Not sure which of my snowmen is Frosty .. .. but he certainly has lots of friends!!

So that is me for today with a total number of 23 Christmas cards in my box now!  Woo hoo!!  At this rate I might be looking at a much less stressful run up to the big day this year. What a lovely thought.  It does encourage me to keep going with them that's for sure.

Take care everyone and I will catch you again soon.


  1. Hi Jules
    Love your cute cards... fabulous image...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  2. Super teeny tiny Christmas cards Jules, I love your fun snowmen.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. Dear Jules, your tiny cards are gorgeous ! And yes, it's a good feeling, when you're ahead with Christmas cards, December is stressful enough ! I've been away for a long weekend in Holland, to a Stamping Event. Plenty ideas now, to make cards, but first enjoying a beautiful Easter weekend ! Wish you and your family a lovely Easter with lots of Easter eggs ! Enny

  4. Beautiful card with these lovely snowmen and a wonderful sentiment.

    Sue xx

  5. Just love this super row of happy little snowmen

  6. Oh Jules, these are totally adorable! Darling little snowmen and I love the sentiment! The touch of peachy orange is just right as well - perfection, as always!


    Di xx

  7. Wonderful little cards, those snowmen are so cute and I'm impressed how you've even used waste dot from a peel off sheet for their buttons! Have a lovely Easter x

  8. What gorgeous cards, Jules! Love these guys. I'm thinking Frosty is the one with the heart? Big heart - lots of buddies? Thanks so much for playing along at The Christmas Kickstart again, hugs, Jo x

  9. Aww, just love it Jules, what cute snowmen, lovely card, Kate x

  10. Hi Jules, these are fabulous cards, the image and sentiment mix and match brilliantly and I love the orange accent xx

  11. A gorgeous set of cards Jules. Those little snowmen are so cute.
    I'm afraid I'm not doing very well with my Christmas makes this year...really need to get my bum in gear!
    Lorraine x

  12. Hi Jules, thanks for the lovely message on my last post. Love these little cards and snowmen are my favourite Christmas image. The sentiment is brilliant too!! Love it!! Have a peaceful Easter and hope your Mum enjoys it too. Hugs, Carol

  13. Absolutely fabulous (no not the TV programme) these gorgeous cards, super cute images and just love the sentiment. Like the touch of the orange card to go with the noses.

    Have a lovely Easter, bet you have a wedding or two this weekend.

    I got married on the 12th of April which that year was the Saturday after Easter, the Saturday after Good Friday was already booked and I said to the Vicar that I would have liked to have been married on that day (I was in the church choir and was made to go every Sunday, so I was a bit annoyed that non-church goers took precedence)

    The Vicar told me that I was getting married on Easter Saturday as the Saturday before Easter Sunday was Easter Even, bet not many people know that, and not many people will care, lol.

    Kath x

  14. Oh! I absolutely love these!! So adorable and sweet.

  15. I so love your teeny tiny's Jules!! These are adorable! I love the expression on these snowmen, too cute. Happy Easter my friend, hope it is a blessed one! Hugs, Brenda

  16. Gorgeous and fun, love the splash of orange. Emmax

  17. Love your super cards and those little snowmen are fabulous xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx