Wednesday 24 April 2019


Hi Everyone

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter .. .. .. wasn't the weather just fabulous? 

I have never known a bank holiday like it!  Wall to wall sunshine. 

Mr Heart has returned to work today and I have had my nose to the grindstone trying to get back on top of the crafty "must do list".

You may remember my first attempt at using my bottle of masking fluid here .. .. .. where I ended up creating a Christmas card .. .. which was bordering on being more of a "blizzard" rather than a snow flurry!  LOL!!

Well I was super excited to be asked by a magazine I hadn't worked for before .. .. Cardmaking and Papercraft .. .. to create some cards for them showcasing the masking fluid technique.  I used the fluid in different ways though .. .. not a blizzard in sight!! 

The magazine is now on the shelves so I am sharing just a couple of my creations  .. .. gosh I have been cramming so much in that it seems like a lifetime ago that I created these and they make me want to get that bottle open and have another play:

This card used the fluid to mask off stamped butterflies and the tops of some of the flowers
prior to adding the inky background.  The butterflies were coloured last.
For this card the masking fluid was used through a stencil to
create the chevron background prior to painting on inks.
So that is me for today .. .. .. you must at least be happy to not be seeing a Christmas card as that seems to be all that has been appearing on my blog recently LOL!!

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Wow, such wonderful cards, and I just got that magazine from my local store today, still have to read it, but I'll look at your article first ! I do have to give masking fluid a try, thanks for the inspiration. Yes, Easter was absolutely beautiful and warm, but now it's raining, my garden will be very happy ! :) All the best ! Enny

  2. It was a pretty amazing Easter weekend. It's rained all day here so normal service resumed!! These are lovely cards Jules and well done for being head hunted!! xx

  3. Two gorgeous cards Jules and very pretty scenes. I bought a bottle of masking fluid years ago for painting my watercolours. I haven't done any big paintings, so the bottle hasn't been opened. What a surprise!! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Carol

  4. These are beautiful Jules. Funny you should post this as I just did a workshop and we used masking fluid. I had some in a drawer gathering dust and have revisited it - it's a great product
    Anne x

  5. Two great ways of using masking fluid and two beautiful cards as a result - love them both. This served as a reminder that I have a bottle of this fluid which I should use more often maybe. Sadly the sunshine has gone, replaced by rain but it was wonderful while it lasted.

  6. Well I for one loved your "blizzard" card and though it looked fabulous! I am loving your cards from your newest play date with the masking fluid. I have never used masking fluid and really need to get me some and play with it. lol Especially since seeing your "blizzard" and now these cards! It was beautiful on Easter here in the states too! Hugs, Brenda

  7. Super cards Jules, I especially like the second one - I would not have thought to use masking fluid with a stencil, thank you for the inspiration.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Two gorgeous cards Jules and I remember the 'blizzard' one which I loved xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx