Monday 10 June 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a really lovely weekend.

Running really late this week with my Christmas make .. .. trying to fit far too much into a day (as always).

My Christmas card for this week is for taking over to the Christmas Kickstart Challenge number 12 .. .. where the theme this fortnight is "The Elves and the Shoemaker"

This used:

Image:  Polkadoodles "Hollybobs Little Elf"
Sentiment:  Penny Black "30-310" Believe
Backing Paper:  Free with a magazine years ago
X-Cut Small snowflake punch
Crystal Glamour Dust
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is it!

Christmas card number 30 in my stock box!!  Woo hoo!!

Catch you again soon hopefully.

I spent all last week trying to get on top of as much work as possible (hence the serious lack of blog posts) as Mr Heart is on annual leave this week.  This of course means my little world will be plunged into even more turmoil than usual .. .. .. and the weather forecast for the week .. .. .. rain, rain and more rain until Friday!!  Typical  LOL!!


  1. Just love that super cute elf and she is beautifully coloured too. Shame about the weather forecast for this coming week - hope you can fit some outings in between the showers.

  2. What a super little Elf and a fantastic card Jules.

    Sue xx

  3. How can you say the forecast is gloomy when you have Mr Heart with you at home???? LOL
    Fun card Jules - have a great week?!!!

  4. Such a lovely Christmas card, love the Elve ! I do hope that you have a great week with Mr. Heart. We had a terrible storm on Saturday and it doesn't look like summer is near... Hugs, Enny

  5. A super card Jules, such a sweet image and great sentiment.
    Enjoy you week with Mr Heart, I hope the weather improves for you.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. Look at those adorble elf shoes! Another gorgeous card, Jules. Thanks for playimng at The Christmas Kickstart again; I'm delighted to hear the good news about that box of Christmas cards, Jo x

  7. Adorable card him (your elf I mean). As for hubby being on holiday this week...what can I say...tell me on Friday if you have had a taste of the future!! Rain!'s pouring (politely) here, cats, dogs and everything else!. Enjoy your week :) xx

  8. Had to hunt for the heart on this one before I realised it was staring me in the face! Love the sweet image and traditional colours xx

  9. Love this card Jules, such a sweet image, beautiful colouring and a really great design with perfect papers.

    Kath x

  10. As I am writing this, I am listening to thunder, very heavy rain and gale force wind!! Summer in UK!! Love your fun card. The Gnome is adorable and love the design.

    I have stepped down from a DT, as I have taken on another Nursing Home to supply with cards for the residents. I have put it all on my blog as to why.
    I sympathize with you having Mr around!! Say no more!! Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  11. A fabulous card Jule - such a cute stamp!
    Kath x

  12. Absolutely gorgeous Jules, sweet little elf and beautifully coloured and designed. Hope your weather improves for you, Kate x x

  13. This little elf is so cute and you have coloured him beautifully, a super card x

  14. Hi Jules, it's been a while but I've been away/busy and struggling to keep up too. That's life, I guess. Love this card. The elf is super cute and I like the plaid patterned paper too. Hope you find time to enjoy Mr Heart's leave with him. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  15. Beautifully-coloured image, and just the right amount of embellishment for a lovely card.

  16. He is so cute, love the colours and those little snowflakes are perfect, hugs Pops x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx