Monday 17 June 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a happy Monday!

My days spent with Mr Heart have been wonderful and really enjoyable .. we have had a really good week .. .. even though it has poured it down with rain for the majority of the time.  But don't worry .. .. he will be returning to work tomorrow (boo hoo!) so I am guessing the weather will make a dramatic turn for the better.

Come tomorrow though I will need to whip myself into action and get my head down as there hasn't been an awful lot of crafting done here.  Just ordering materials, making of wedding samples for interested couples, the posting of proofs and a trip to IKEA for some table plan frames is as much work as I have done .. .. tut tut!!  I did work extremely hard the week previous though, and far too late, so I haven't felt guilty .. .. and must admit I slept far more last week than I have in years!!!

Today I was with Mum and found that Papercraft Inspirations Issue 193 was on the supermarket shelves .. . so to wake my blog up I will share my creations for this edition which was all about paper piecing and masking using some wonderful new stamps from a company called Picture This.  They make the most amazing stamps which also look wonderful watercoloured .. .. or even just stamped and nothing done to them at all!!  Just amazing!

This first card is the beginner card which incorporated lots of colouring a paperpiecing.  I wish I owned the building on the right.  I could open the bottom as my wedding stationery shop and live above it .. .. with a floral roof!!  LOL!!

The second card was much more labour intensive and was all done with just four stamps (one of those being the sentiment).

The card folds to meet in the middle and then opens out to create a huge scene.  It took a bit of planning to get the background to look like it was one continuous stamp but the stamps are so well thought out it worked beautifully.

Paperpiecing, ProMarkers, Distress Inks and Glossy Accents all working together to give an interesting finished look.  Not easy to photograph but I did my best.

So that is me with a woken up blog .. .. .. and a forfeit to pay for not posting a Christmas card last week!!  That will teach me to be far too relaxed for my own good!!

Catch you again soon.


  1. Fabulous cards Jules - the second one is amazing the way it folds out, it must have taken ages to make!
    Kath x

  2. Pleased to hear that you had a good week with Mr Heart despite the awful weather which sadly looks likely to continue. I just love those quirky buildings and you've done a grand job with your stamping.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your break with Mr H, even if the rain did try to spoil things for you!
    Gorgeous cards, I love the whimsical houses - I think I might have to check them out, pretty colours on the first card and you have created a super scene on the second one.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. Those samples are fantastic Jules. I bought some of these stamps at a recent show but have yet to ink them.

    Sue xx

  5. Fabulous card Jules, love the houses and your design, Kate x

  6. I'm so glad that you had a lovely week with Mr. Heart, although the weather wasn't so good. Your cards are so beautiful, those stamps are great, and you made them into fantastic creations ! Oh, yes, I would love to live in one of those houses, and near the beach.... :)) We had a sunny day today, I hope the sun comes your way ! Hugs, Enny

  7. A really super collection of cards with great images and designs.

    Kath x

  8. Fabulous card, Jules. I love them both - the stamps have so much detail. xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx