Friday 26 June 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has gone well?  I thought today was supposed to be much cooler and with the possibility of mega rain and thunder storms.  Nothing yet here and definitely still very hot .. .. but there is still time for those thunder storms to kick in.

Much of my day has been taken up getting work finished and into the post .. .. so a few more "ticks" have appeared on that ever growing crafty "do list".

Then this evening I had a quick play and created this:

This used:

Background Stamp "Hero Arts" Background Thank You Dictionary Definition Stamp  (what a big title)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set "664163" Wildflower Stems #1
LOTV Embossed Labels
Bleeding Tissue Paper
My Trusty Sewing Machine

These scrapling cards (which I trim down to measure 6.5 x 13.5cms) are building up rather quickly since I have been making my own base cards .. .. far more quickly than I am using them that's for sure.  I keep them all in a box at the back of my desk to remind me to use them .. .. even if it only for stamping small images or sentiments onto.

Tonight's card used bleeding tissue paper to create the background and once dry I stamped on it using the Hero Arts stamp.  Not sure whether that is still available, I bought it from Ebay last year.

So that is me for today.

Enjoy your weekend when it arrives .. .. .. and stay away from those beaches for a little while longer!!  I don't want to catch you sunbathing on the news reports tomorrow evening!!!  LOL!!!


  1. Fabulous background for the die cut the colours are beautiful

  2. Great background, text always seems to work well and the colour effect is lovely, all just right to set off the single elegant bloom.

  3. Love this card. How did you get the stitching on the flower? Have a great weekend.x

  4. Morning Jules....Gorgeous card...fabulous background using the tissue technique and lovely colours too.... We had rain overnight but no thunder at all... its still very warm but cool enough to go back into the craft room

    Enjoy your weekend..


  5. A beautiful thank you card Jules and a great way to use up these off cuts.

    Sue xx

  6. A fabulous scraplings card - I love the background you've created.
    Kath x

  7. A beautiful card Jules, a fabulous background and pretty flower.
    The thunderstorms completely missed us, it didn't cool down until about 6 pm but it's raining today and it's lovely and cool thank goodness.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Beautiful.

  9. Oh this is super, I love those colours, its fantastic. I was shocked to see so many folk on the beaches!!! Frightening stuff!! We are still on the 5 mile distance till a couple of weeks time so I think thats one reason why it looks so scary for us wee Scots!!! My local beach is less than a mile away so Im ok!!! :) Hope you have a super weekend, Hazel xx

  10. Absolutely gorgeous Jules, I love the background and the floral die is so pretty, a wonderful design, Kate x

  11. Wow your quick play is stunnig, love it very much, beautiful colors.
    Gr, Annie

  12. So pretty and the stitched stem is amazing!! xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx