Friday 19 June 2020


Hi Everyone

Well Friday is here .. .. .. the day Mr Heart does all the cooking (and clearing up afterwards) .. .. yay!!  He does his fish, chips and mushy peas speciality and I get to have an extended crafting session LOL!!!

So whilst the man of the house slaved over a hot stove  (poor chap LOL!!!) I decided to make a card for taking over to the As You Like It Challenge where the theme choice this fortnight is "digital or rubber".  You use whichever you prefer and state why it was your choice.

This was quite a hard decision for me and as you will see below each for me have their own merits.  

I have to admit that when I first started crafting I felt that digi images were "cheating" but I am pleased to say I have since grown out of that.  

I find the versatility of a well drawn digi image so amazing (and a well coloured one a life-saver at times).  I love that I can re-size them so I can use them on my "normal cards" .. .. or shrink them right down to fit on my "teeny tiny" cards.  I also like the fact that they don't take up any room in my tiny craft pod and that they are usually instantly available once you have parted with your pennies .. .. .. and the majority have good angel policies.  

Digi images are also good if you want to make a special card for someone with a quirky hobby or theme.  You can usually pick them up fairly cheaply and not worry too much whether you use it again or not.  

But then there are my rubber stamps .. .. ..  

All the ones I own have been carefully considered purchases and are only bought if I know I will get lots of use out of them.  I love that I can heat emboss with them, mask them and combine lots of different ones to make a completely new image.

So to make my decision I put myself in the horrible position of only being able to use one or the other for the rest of my crafty life .. .. .. .. and the "actual stamps" won.

I could never turn my back on my "actual stamp" collection.  If I have a few odd minutes to do a bit of crafting the first drawer I open is my Penny Black drawer and I know that no matter which one I lay my hands on first I will be happy to use it  .. .. ..  so that was it .. .. deliberation over and this is what I came up with:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2288K" Furry Embrace
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using Font Aracne Condensed Regular
Backing Papers:  First Edition Paper "Bella Rose"
X-Cut - Extra Large Circle Dies
Crafter's Companion "Die'sire Dies" Scalloped Tags
Nail Heads
Ribbon and Metallic Cord
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.  All done just in time to tuck into a rather late fish and chip supper.

Enjoy your weekend when it arrives.


  1. A perfect choice Jules, such a beautiful card.

    Sue xx

  2. Hello, I completely understand your reasoning (or how do you say it) about digi stamps but I also really love my old wooden stamps from Penny Black they are so nice to look at. You did a great job coloring this one, so subtile and the designpaper goes so well with it.
    Have a nice weekend, Annie

  3. Adorable romantic image and papers a perfect anniversary card

  4. PB stamps always come up trumps don't they but I own very few for some reason, probably because at one time (way back) they weren't the easiest to get hold of. This one makes a lovely anniversary card. I'm sure you enjoyed your fish and chip supper - any meal, even a humble sandwich always seems to taste better when someone else has made it. Have a good weekend - can hardly believe it has come around so quickly again.

  5. A lovely card Jules and such a cute PB stamp. Stamps would be my choice over digis as I've a rubbish printer at the moment!
    Kath x

  6. Morning can't go wrong with a PB image your card is lovely..I have two boxes of PB stamps!...
    Like you digi's do have some advantages but I prefer a lovely to have your fish and chips cooked for've obviously got Mr H very well trained.

    Enjoy the weekend..


  7. Aah, such a sweet image Jules and very pretty papers too. A perfect Anniversary card x

  8. What a sweet card Jules, beautifully designed and coloured. Kate x

  9. An adorable card Jules, such a sweet image and pretty papers.
    I'm really lucky, my husband likes to cook, so he does most of the cooking in our house and my eldest son takes after him - unfortunately I do most of the clearing up though!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. What a pretty card Jules and a perfect image as well! I'm sure I got my love of Penny Black stamps partly from you aas well as from SaRn. I never tire of them although don't seem to use them enough. We had fish and chips yesterday evening - made by Len. Yummy!

    The house is far too quiet right now, Dudley is at the groomers'. It's amazing what a difference it makes, even if he's sleeping, not to have him around.


    Di xx

  11. I love this anniversary card very much Jules, such a wonderful stamp and beautifully put together. I know exactly where you are coming from with the digi versus rubber dilemma and came to the same conclusion myself actually!! Lovely to see you at AYLI xx

  12. A really beautiful Anniversary card, with a super image, lovely papers and colours. An interesting post, I also have digi images and to be honest I haven't used them much lately but what I do love about them is the fact that you can get some really fun male images and that is what I mostly use them for.

    Kath x

  13. What a beautiful card, so gorgeous with the Penny Black critters ! Yes, I also prefer "normal" stamps over digital ones. And what a lovely husband you have, cooking for you, wow ! Enjoy your weekend ! Enny

  14. So very sweet. This is a great image and another pretty card.

  15. Super adorable card. I feel the same way about digi's and rubber stamps, I am so glad I don't have to choose just one of would be impossible. ;)
    I am a bit late but thanks so much for joining us at the As you like it challenge.



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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx