Thursday 18 June 2020


Hi Everyone

Well, Thursday has just about come and gone .. .. .. and yet again it has been a day containing lots more rain!  I think we are going to have to empty the water butts a little at this rate.  I am keeping my fingers crossed it will clear up a bit for the weekend.

A quick card today that I pulled together once I got home from Mum's this evening .. .. .. grabbing my box of images which I colour and store for using later .. .. .. "one" of the boxes that contain backing paper snippets and a stray length of ribbon. .. .. in fact everything used for this card was a snippet except for the card base, which makes it perfect for taking over to Pixie's Snippets Playground.

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2863J" Lovin' & Huggin'
Sentiment:  DigiStamp Boutique (sadly no longer trading .. boo hoo!!)
Backing Papers:  Mish Mash from the snippet box
Snippet of leftover ribbon
Corner Rounding Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is me for today.

Sorry folks, I have fallen a bit behind with my commenting .. .. things are a little hectic here at the moment  .. .. but I will catch up eventually.  

Catch you again soon.


  1. Awww, this is adorable, the sentiment matches the expression on the ducks face - perfectly!!!

  2. Fabulous card the image is adorable and teamed with a great sentiment

  3. You'd never know the backgrounds were a mish-mash 'cos they go so well with the image, and each other. Great card for the Playground and an image to raise a smile along with the sentiment. Very wet here yesterday and today as well by the looks of it.

  4. What a cute card, such a funny sentiment, and lovely heart-ribbon ! Don't apologize for not being able to comment everywhere, I absolutely understand, I'm also "behind" with a lot of things ! Hope your mother is doing well. Sorry to hear about Vera Lynn, but at 103, wow, strong lady ! Have a nice weekend ! Enny

  5. Just gorgeous (as ever) I have this stamp, I must have a play again, stay safe love Jane x

  6. LOL, what a fun sentiment!! Lovely design, I am a huge fan of black and yellow, such a great combo and not just for bumble bees!! xx

  7. Your snippet card made me smile Jules..great image and love the sentiment...amazing what we can put together from bits and bobs..


  8. This is an adorable birthday card Jules! I love that sentiment and need to keep it in mind for birthday cards. lol I love the image and the sweet little hug the one duck is giving the other, their expressions are so cute. That striped yellow paper, oh my, I love it and love that you used it for the stars too. Your snippet of ribbon is perfect for this card as well. Yay for you using all those snippets! Hugs, Brenda

  9. Such a fun card Jules, an adorable image and great design - I love your sentiment.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. Ahhh what a cute pair of ducks, they are adorable. Hope you have a super weekend, Hazelxx

  11. Just love this, that image always make me smile. Great sentiment too and that made me smile as well. Great papers and design.

    Kath x

  12. An adorable image Jules and a lovely card, super design, Kate x

  13. Just wonderful Jules - and such a great reminder why we adore Penny Black stamps as we do!


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx