Thursday 29 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing OK.

The magazine shelves are looking very short on craft magazines at the moment .. .. and sadly a lot of them have been finished never to return. All of those editors and their teams furloughed and then unfortunately made redundant .. .. this virus has a lot to answer for!

One magazine that "is" currently on the shelves though is Make Special Cards, Issue 24, which is another in the Peter Rabbit and Friends Series.  One of the bumper packs where you get plain card bases and envelopes, a selection of clear stamps, image and sentiment toppers and lots and lots of design papers.

I was very fortunate to be asked to complete commissions for this issue and these were some of my favourites:

These first two were part of a "flip flop" card commission and the magazine has the templates for the card base and for covering the various shaped segments.

These were my favourites from a stamping commission:

These were cards which used some of the oodles of toppers and sentiment

and last but not least a "spotlight" commission

and that is me for today.

We are currently waiting to see if we are moving up the COVID scale .. .. .. all super scary again everywhere isn't it?

Hopefully catch you again tomorrow.


  1. Wow, a beautiful collection of gorgeous cards Jules. I think we will all be moving up the covid scale eventually as numbers are increasing everywhere. I try to go out as little as possible at the moment and also mix with the least amount of people too.

    Sue xx

  2. Jules your collection of cards are the spotlighting technique you've done on a couple of your cards... so sad to hear that some of the crafting Magazines will not be returning.....
    stay safe


  3. Wonderful collection of Peter Rabbit cards and not forgetting Jeremy Fisher! Sad that some of the magazines are disappearing and sad that people are being put out of work.

  4. A fabulous collection of cards Jules, Peter Rabbit is adorable, I still have all of the old Crafter's Companion CDs.
    We are still quite low on the COVID front down here, thank goodness - it's creeping up slowly though!
    You would need more than an hour or two to thumb through my paper collection!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. These beautiful cards would look wonderful framed for a nursery Jules,the pastel tones are gorgeous.
    I live in the North East of Scotland where the restrictions aren't as severe as other areas yet people still ignore the measures,it makes me despair especially when you see those who should know better not abiding by the rules

  6. I love peter Rabbit! and I love all your cards Jules...they are wonderful! xx

  7. Wow, these are super-beautiful cards, I love Peter Rabbit ! Yes, I noticed, that I get less magazines in the Int. Magazine Shop in Antwerp, such a pity, certainly for all the employees. Corona gets worse in Belgium, we might get another complete lockdown... Stay safe and healthy ! Enny

  8. Just heard 5 mins ago we are now on tier three.
    A fabulous collection of cards, some lovely images, papers and design.

    Kath x

  9. Hi Jules.

    Sad about the magazines. I subscribe to the Simply Cards and Papercraft and got my latest one last week, I think it was!! I hadn't been in any shops
    much so only noticed s couple of weeks ago when I popped into Tesco.

    I love Peter Rabbit and friends. I did all the of the them on a cross stich Sampler when my first grand daughter was born, 14 years ago!! I still have the books too.
    Your cards are fantastic Jules and bring back many memories.

    Take care and please stat safe.
    Love and hugs,

  10. Oh Jules I LOVE Peter Rabbit but we wont see it down under. I've been to Beatrix Potter's farm and seen the original Peter Rabbit book. Was an extraordinarily special day that trip to Lakes district back when we could travel. I LOVE your samples. We wont see downunder.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Oh my, these are beautiful and takes me right back to my childhood. Beatrix Potter was such a talented lady and these cards just echo the sheer delight these character bought to many. Well you've definitely done justice to these toppers, congrats on the commission. I love them all :) x

  12. Jules, all your cards are wonderful!
    So sad to hear about the magazines. I love those magazines. I was looking at the cover of the magazine on your page here and I realized that I have that magazine, so I had to go and look for your picture...I also Love your Summer breeze cards that are in that magazine. I haven't been able to buy as many lately because 3 of my favorite craft stores (that were in my area) have gone out of business, and one of them is where I would buy my magazines.

  13. Yes, it is very sad that so many of the magazines have gone. I looked forward to them dropping on the door mat very much each there is only one. Also, I think that the age of social media has taken away the need for paper publications that are appreciated by us more " middle aged" ladies!! Anyway, pleased to hear that your wonderful talents are being called upon and what a fabulous collection this is. I love those spotlight cards. It is, indeed, very scary, the numbers down here in Dorset are rising, as in most places, and as long as selfish people take risks I guess it will continue to do so. Worrying times xx

  14. Oh these are beautiful, I love the soft colours of the Beatrix Potter books. I got them all for Jakes first Christmas so long ago now!! Its such a shame, everything is affected by the virus. Awful year!!! Hazel x

  15. Yes, I'm a Peter Rabbit fan!!! lol I'm afraid that this virus has a lot to answer for is right! So sad at all the job losses, business losses, etc...I'm glad this magazine was on the shelf, it is a good one! I am so loving the cute Peter Rabbit stamps and papers! You have made a lot of cards and they are all so cute. Loving the flip ones. I have dies like this and need to use them more often. All of these are so sweet and so beautiful, just like you Jules. Love how you have paired the papers together and of course the stamping. Yes, it is all getting scary again. Bret just told me yesterday that we needed to do a larger grocery pick up since things may get bad again, so get the supplies while you still can. So we did. Stocked up on toilet paper and paper towels, without taking all in the store, just a one large pack of each. Keeping my fingers crossed and my prayers going that the numbers will go back down again. Hugs, Brenda

  16. What a gorgeous collection of cards! My brother is a Jeremy, so I love the Jeremy Fisher card best, but they are all lovely. Have you ever been to Beatrix Potter's home, Hill House in the Lake District? Well worth a visit once this Covid awfulness is over!

    Take care!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx