Saturday 31 October 2020


Hi Everyone

Are you all ready for another weekend .. .. .. and possible new COVID rules .. .. .. or even another lock-down?!?!?

Here we move into Tier 2 tomorrow .. .. not that it is going to make any difference to us.  The only thing that has changed for us since lock-down is that we have been able to form a "bubble" with our youngest son.

The news this evening talks as though we might be back in lock-down again sometime next week ... ... so we will have to wait and see.

In the meantime I am back into Christmas mode with a card for taking over to the launch of the sparkly new Let's Squash it Challenge which is being run by Gail and Jo. 

A very last minute entry unfortunately from me, but they would like us to use a geometric embossing folder and metallic card or metal sheets. This is what I came up with .. .. but it wasn't easy to photograph:

This used:

Embossing Folder:  Dovercraft basics "snowflakes"
Sentiment:  Hobby Art "CS144D "Christmas Frosting"
Spellbinders Borderabilities:  A2 Curved Borders One
Sizzix Tim Holtz AlternationsThinlits Dies:  "661599" Mini Paper Snowflakes
Black and aqua fineliner pens
Clear and White embossing powder
Creative Expressions:  Aqua Dazzlers

and that is me for tonight.

Still time to play along if you are quick

Thanks for calling by.


  1. A fabulous icy creation,the thin blue frames a perfect finishing touch. Hope we don't need another lockdown,but it seems increasingly likely as the numbers rise

  2. Another beauty...the Snowflakes look fabulous.

    Here in Kent, we are still in Tier 1, but who knows! I have to reassure my Mum, every few days, that if we do have to lockdown again, we are in a support bubble with her, she feels so despondent, but we do our best to keep her spirits up. Such a horrible time, isn't it xx

  3. Glad you managed to 'squash' in a card for this new challenge - have to do something to try and keep our minds away from the depressing news for at least part of the time. Have a good weekend if you can. Very wet and windy here today

  4. A gorgeous card Jules, love the snowflakes across the

  5. A gorgeous card Jules, love the design and those very pretty snowflakes.
    Thanks for all your messages about my Mum - I've seen her from the garden as I drop her food shopping off and she looks a little brighter. I wish I could go and give her a hug!
    Hope you are keeping safe and well.
    Lorraine x

  6. Lovely snowflake card the metallic embossed background... Like you I think we could be in lockdown doesn't worry me I'm quite happy pottering at home...thank goodness for hobbies...
    Its a horrid morning here in Somerset the rain has been so heavy and its very dark...enjoy the rest of your weekend whatever you do.


  7. Hi Jules

    I really like this, especially the embossing folder. It really does stand out.
    I hope we don't go into lockdown, but I fear we probably will, even though I live in Essex which is in tier 2, Southend where I live is still in tier 1. Oh well it's all done for a reason!!

    Enjoy your week ahead.
    Debbie x

  8. Such a beautiful card Jules, I love those snowflakes you've added.

    Sue xx

  9. Great card Jules - the embossed shiny panel looks lovely.
    We've been in local restrictions then Tier 3 for such a long time a full lockdown is not going to feel any different for us!
    Have a great weekend. x

  10. Love your card, Jules, Wow, geometrically arranged snowflakes - who knew! Thanks so much for playing along with our first challenge, Jo x

  11. A pretty Christmas card Jules, lovely snowflakes and your metallic border looks fabulous.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. ooohhhhhh this is NICE! all sparkly and shiny and wintery. Love the curved idea with the dies...i would just have thought straight band across...but then you obviously have a brilliant imagination. Have a good weekend...going into tier 3 here Mon!! Time to hibernate...again! xx

  13. Awesome design and that silver snowflake panel is lovely. A beautiful geometric choice. Thanks for joining the fun at Let's Squash It! Hugz

  14. What a stunning card Jules, a gorgeous design and colours, I love the embossed panel, keep safe, Kate x

  15. Just love your metallic embossing with the pair of snowflakes, Jules - so pretty!!

  16. Im guessing that theres gonna be a new lockdown for you guys soon as I just had telly on for 5 mins and switched it off again. Stresses me out way too much!!!
    Love this card, its so pretty, the sparkle from the embossing folder finishes it off beautifully, stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend, Hazel xx

  17. A really super creation, love the blue and silver and those lovely snowflakes. Think we are into tier three come Thursday, bonfire night, looks like we may have to have ours Wednesday so the boys can still come and they will be outside.

    Kath x

  18. Hi Jules,

    A gorgeous card and such a brilliant design. Great textures.

    We are quite lucky here but we will still be in the lockdown on Thursday. I was lucky enough to finish making 60 Christmas cards, little gift boxes and a few bits and pieces and took them to the Charity Care Home I support, on Friday, (yesterday).
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Love and hugs,

  19. Beautiful frosty creation Jules, I love it.

    We went into Tier 2 yesterdy (far too late, of course) and hopefully the upcoming lockdown will make a difference. Hope all is well with you xx

  20. Your card is really nicely done! A great card for your challenge! You nailed it.
    Yes, things are getting worse in my area too. I feel especially bad for the young people. I'm used to being at home and since I have my crafting (and lots of books that I purchased from a used book store) I do have things to keep me busy. (But I so miss my family and friends!)

  21. I guess you guys are in lockdown now Jules, it's crazy all over once again with the rise of Covid. We just have to hang in there, eh?! Well, your card turned out beautiful! But I expected that as you are the pro. I love how you silver mirror paper looks embossed with the snowflakes. The little blue frames give to the frosty feel, loving those snowflakes with their tips dusted in blue too. Brrrrr, I can feel the cold! Oh wait, it just cold here. lol I'm so not ready for old man winter to come! But love your card....hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx