Thursday 22 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your weather was a bit more exciting than mine was today!

The other day when I purchased that lovely Christmas wreath download I got some others alongside .. .. .. using a 30% off voucher that was available if you purchased five images.  

The problem wasn't deciding which five I would like .. .. there were lots of beauties .. .. the hard part was deciding which five I would like the most.

This image was one of my "must haves" simply because I knew I would really enjoy colouring it (even though it is available as a pre-coloured image):

This used:

Image:  WhimsyDreamsClipart:  "Whimsical Flowers"
Sentiment:  LOTV Embossed Labels
Backing Papers:  First Edition Papers "Blank Canvas"
Spellbinder Circle Dies
Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is my share for today.  I am already thinking what other colours I want to use on my next play with this image.  

Take care everyone .. .. .. especially if you are in any of the scary COVID danger zones .. .. .. though to be fair any of us could be without even knowing.  

Stay safe.


  1. A beautiful stamp Jules,love the sunny colours and your papers,take care Meg xx

  2. A great choice of image and beautifully coloured. Like the general layout of this card too.

  3. Beautiful card, love your colouring.

  4. A gorgeous card Jules,love the beautifully coloured image.

    Take care

  5. Morning Jules..I can see why you fell in love with this image ... you’ve coloured it beautifully...and love the layout..


  6. Fabulous card Jules, pretty colours and I do love gingham ribbon x

  7. Lovely image Jules - great card.
    There was a time when tiers described layers of a cake... Tier 3 has a whole different meaning now! x

  8. Absolutely gorgeous card Jules, such a pretty image and beautiful colours, I love the layout too, Kate x

  9. I love this image and you choice of colours a really great background too.

    Kath x

  10. Hi Jules,
    Love the autumnal colours and a beautiful card. A gorgeous image and an all year round image. Love it!!
    We are very low on the Covid-19 chart, with very few new patients. Norwich is where the most of them are.
    So keep safe and keep safe.
    Love and big hugs,

  11. A pretty card Jules, a lovely image and great colour choices, I look forward to seeing what colours you choose next time.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. Great choice Jules, they certainly have some tempting goodies. Lovely colours and such perfect colouring. Keep well xx

  13. This is just beautiful! I really like the colors and your design!

  14. I can see why this was a must have for you Jules, the image is gorgeous and I love the colours you've used too. Fabulous.

    Sue xx

  15. Your card is so cheerful! Love the beautiful flowers and pretty gingham ribbon.

  16. A beautiful card, lovely colours ! You did choose well with this one ! And your previous card with the bird on the letterbox is also wonderful ! Stay healthy and safe ! Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx