Wednesday 21 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope your have had a good day.

My teeny tiny card has today morphed a little into a scrapling card (measuring 6.5 x 13.5cms).  These cards are made with the offcuts I am left with after creating my own card bases .. .. .. and I have rather a stack of them .. .. .. so they need to be used.

This used:

Make & Create Die Set: Post Box and all the elements from The Works
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat
Sentiment:  LOTV Christmas Tags
ProMarkers for colouring the birds
Ribbon and Cord
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I think that post boxes are going to become our extra special best friend over the next couple of months because I doubt very much that we will be delivering our Christmas wishes in person this year!!  Boo hoo!


  1. What a fabulous die cut set Jules,the post box the perfect size for your scrapling card

  2. Super seasonal scrapling card - loving the post box die. For the past few years I've joked with my fam8ily about cancelling Christmas but it is starting to look a bit ominous I must say. Take care and keep on crafting whatever.

  3. Your sweet scrapling card is lovely Jules and love your little post box.. it’s nice when you can use up all those bits we cut off or have left over but as crafters we waste’s a very wet morning here in Somerset so think after the housework chores it’s going to be a crafting day.


  4. A super card Jules, your post box is perfect for a scrapling card - a fabulous design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Love this, and as you say the post boxes will be well used this year.

    Like the sneaky heart....found it.

    Sheila x

  6. This is so cute the little robins and the pearls for berries and your ribbon is hugging your card! What a fabulous find in the Works! xx

  7. Oh Jules, I am really loving this teeny tiny! I love the size of it too. It's so cute with the little mailbox on it, love your guy's postboxes! They are so much cuter than ours. lol Great background paper of snow and I love the ribbon you used. Our numbers are really going up in my state now too, as well as my county. Not super bad but up is up and not down! So don't think we will be visiting with family either, but will see as time gets closer. Hugs, Brenda

  8. This is gorgeous. I have been very impressed with die sets from The Works. Love that sumptuous bow too xx

  9. Oh this is so pretty, I love that postbox and the wee robins. Mmmm think the post peeps are going to be mega busy!! Hazelx

  10. What a gorgeous card Jules, I love the card shape and it's tininess, fabulous dies set too, Kate x

  11. Nice change of card shape and a lovely set of cards.

    Kath x

  12. Love this card Jules .....
    Hugs a Sylvie x

  13. A beautiful Christmas card. Love the post box.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx