Monday 19 October 2020


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good weekend.

We have been doing a bit of "sorting out" at this end over the weekend.  Had a breadmaking session (I just love how it makes the house smell all lovely and homely) and I then played again with the wreath image I posted yesterday.

This time I wondered how it would look if I shrunk it down to go on a smaller 4 x 4 inch square card, gave it some backing paper and changed the colour of the ribbon.  I also added a digital sentiment this time instead of a stamped one .. .. .. just to make it even quicker for batch making. 

I got a little carried away and ended up making six in total along with matching envelopes:

I think I liked the aqua ribbon the best .. .. ..

These used:

Image:  Whimsy Dreams Clipart "Christmas Wreath"
Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique (sadly no longer trading)
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat "Pinstripes"
My Trusty Sewing Machine
We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board

Well, I am going to be well over my quota for Christmas cards for October!  Yay!!

Enjoy your sparkly new week when it arrives .. .. .. well as much as you can during these strange times .. .. .. and stay safe.

I am a bit behind with my blog visiting unfortunately, but I will be making amends this coming week.


  1. A super batch of cards for your Christmas collection. Hope you have a good week

  2. Sweet set of matching cards, would make nice notelets too for gifts. They all look like they've been purchased from a posh garden centre shop, very nicely done x

  3. A beautiful collection of cards Jules.

    Take care

  4. It’s amazing how even a different coloured bow Chanel the look of your beautiful wreath cards...mmm could be tempted with this lovely image...
    It’s a dry morning here in Somerset so a lovely walk is on the cards....
    Nothing nice than the smell of fresh bread cooking...trouble with us two is we eat far too much when it’s warm...
    Happy Monday


  5. Lovely cards Jules and great batch making. I think I still like the pink one best x

  6. A super collection of pretty Christmas cards Jules, you are going to be organised this year - unlike me, I still haven't started on mine, luckily I don't have that many to make.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. A beautifully designed card with a gorgeous image and papers love your satin bows, busy making pumpkin pies and soup,have a great week

  8. The cards are all beautiful! It would be hard to pick a favorite color on the cards...(Although, I am a big PINK fan.

  9. Oooh, they look so pretty against the candy stripes

  10. These are super and what a great wee bundle to have in your stash. Hope alls well, Hazelxx

  11. Beautiful cards Jules, I love the colours and the pretty bows, Kate x

  12. Well, look at you batch making Jules! I'm in love with this wreath, it is gorgeous and I love it as a Christmas card. So soft looking, the ribbons just give that added something, something. The Merry Christmas looks great in the center and I love the pink striped paper and gold frame. Well done you! I bet too the bread make the house smell good and so homey! Nothing like the smells of the kitchen to tickle the nose! lol Hugs, Brenda


  13. Once again you have produced some stunning Christmas cards. Love the striped background, it makes for a nice modern Christmas card.

    Love the digital image, I am very tempted to get it and mass produce some cards over half term when we hopefully will still be able to visit and have some cuddles (first since March).
    Need to go to be able to use their printer, my laptop won't link with my printer for some reason!

  14. What a pretty collection xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx