Tuesday 6 April 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter break.  

It was quite exciting here because my lovely baby sister moved house and it is now so lovely for her to be only 248 steps away!  That is how far it is from her front door to mine!  Yay!!  Not that we have been over each other's thresholds .. .. .. we have been super good on the distancing front. 

Standing at our kitchen sink I can see her house.  It is brilliant for her to be so close and we have been impatiently waiting for all the paperwork to go through for months and months.  It has taken ages!

Easter was quite busy with lots of sorting out done, but sadly not much crafting or blogging .. .. so time to make amends and get myself behind that craft desk again.

Here is today's share:

This used:

Image and Backing Papers:  Whimsy Dreams Clipart "Blue Fairy Meadow"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I really love this image, and used another larger image from the set as a backing paper.  There are other images in the collection and I am really looking forward to playing with those too.  Loving the blue tones .. .. they remind me of our dinner service and the tea, sugar and coffee containers we had in our kitchen when we were first married LOL!!  

Take care everyone and I will hopefully catch you again soon.


  1. Beautiful monochromatic card the image and paper are beautiful,useful for so many occasions.The CAS design allows the elements to shine.
    Thank you for thinking of me on our move. It must be wonderful to have your sister move so close to you,hope you can visit indoors soon.

  2. Such a pretty card, Jules. Great news that your sister is now close by, hopefully it won't be too long before you'll be able to get together indoors xx

  3. Can't beat blue and white, it's a classic. Great that you and your sister are within stepping distance of each other even if you can't visit properly yet. Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit so that you can at least meet in the respective gardens. Dry at present here but a bitterly cold breeze which we could do without.

  4. What a lovely card, beautiful colour ! And so nice, that your sisters now lives close to you ! We have Winter again, snow, hail and icy temperatures... and last week it was 25° C, what a difference ! Hugs, Enny

  5. A beautiful card Julie, I bought some designs from there, but not had a play yet. Have a good week.

    Debbie x

    PS. I made the boiled fruit cake that you gave the recipe for, OMG it was so lovely and there was loads. Thank you for the recipe, I will definitely make it again! xxx

  6. A gorgeous card Jules such a lovely shade of blue. How nice for you to have your sister live so close to you now and once this lockdown is over I'm sure you'll be seeing plenty of each other.

    Sue xx

  7. A beautiful card Jules, I love the blues - so pretty. I have a funny feeling I will be visiting Etsy in the near future!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Oh I just love your card Jules it's sunning, beautiful floral image and I love the mono shades of blue, wonderful design.
    How lovely for you both to be so near each other, I'm sure you'll be able to get over the threshold of the new house soon, take care, Kate x

  9. Fabulous card...Jules a really pretty Blue ....
    How nice your sister is by you ....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  10. How exciting that your sister is so close to you Jules!!!! Hopefully once everyone has their shots, you ladies can get together instead from afar. I love that you can stand at your kitchen sink and see her house, so exciting!

    I love this beautiful card Jules, the blues are so pretty. Love white and blue anyway, it's just so classic and elegant. You are right, they do remind me of some dishes from long ago. How fun that it matches your set from when you were first married! It made a beautiful background paper too. Love it! Hugs, Brenda

  11. Beautiful card Jules love the blue tones........how lovey to have your sister close by to you ...


  12. Jules, this is beautiful, the blue is sensational. Glad you still find time to craft. xxxx

  13. Clean and sharp and very pretty too. Your cards are always so professional. xx

  14. Beautiful card...love the blue. So exciting to have your sister so close to you. My Mother-in-law lived even less steps away from me for over 30 years. What a joy living next to her...we, naturally would craft togeter, but she didn't make cards...but she taught me to sew (something I don't do these days..Just use the fabric for cards) and taught me cross-stitch and crochet. We lost her to cancer many years ago, and I still miss her very much.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx