Sunday 30 May 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend.

Mr Heart and I spent yesterday planting up the hanging baskets and pots on the patio .. .. .. and the sun shone on us .. .. eventually.  

It ended up as the first day in ages and ages that I hadn't actually made anything.  How sad that I was getting withdrawal symptoms and ended up getting up super early so I could get something made and stop my crafty fingers itching!

This is what I came up with:

This used:

Image:  Hero Arts Stamp and Die Cut Set "657776"
Sentiment:  Lili of the Valley "Embossed Labels"
Stampin' Up Stamp Set "Gorgeous Grunge"  (one of my favourite stamps sets from Stampin' Up! but I think one I gained from Ebay the other week might overtake it!)
Crafters Companion Diesire Dies "Scalloped Tags"
Backing Paper:  Craft Consortium "The Essential Craft Papers - Watercolours"
Gold Embossing Powder
Distress Ink Pad: Speckled Egg
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I am taking my card to two challenges:

The first is the "As You See It Challenge" where this fortnight the theme is to follow a recipe.

1.  Birthday theme ... ... tick!
2.  Heat Embossing ... ... tick!'
3.  Ribbon/Twine ... ... tick!
4.  Patterned Paper ... ... tick!
5.  Die Cut ... ... tick!

This is a fairly new challenge to me and one I am really enjoying.  Every fortnight the challenge theme  changes and the variety that they come up with is brilliant!  (Must admit I am looking forward to the next 10 minute challenge .. .. .. I really enjoyed that last time).

My card is also making its way into Pixies Crafty Snippets Playground Challenge where we are encouraged to use up our snippets and "odd and ends of paper, card, ribbon etc".  Everything on my card came from my snippet mountain except the card base .. ... .. even that scrap of ribbon!.

and that is me for today.

Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday weekend .. .. if you are allowed one .. .. and I hope you get to enjoy some sunshine!


  1. Gorgeous fresh colours,love the blue,and a great layout,the decorated tag is beautiful. It's so nice to see the sunshine,have a great week

  2. Love this Jules, just beautiful! xx

  3. This is great for both challenges - love the splodges and will be interested to see which stamp set overtakes this one!!

  4. Such a pretty card Jules, lovely design and colours, Kate x

  5. Simply fab Jules! Enjoy the sunshine! x

  6. Such a beautiful card Jules, worth getting up early to make.

    Sue xx

  7. A pretty card Jules, a lovely tag and super background.
    The weather has certainly improved, a lovely sunny day, it makes walking the dogs a real pleasure after all of the rain.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Wow, what a beautiful card, lovely colours and lovely bow ! We had sunshine all day, and I was also busy in the garden. So lovely, after all that cold and rainy weather, hope it's going to stay like that. Hugs, Enny

  9. A really super colour combination, great image and design.

    Kath x

  10. Fabulous card Jules..and a little different from your usual . I like the use of your blue pearls in the flower and the way you have brought everything together to fit the challenge. Good Luck ! xx

  11. That's beautiful and well done you on getting all the recipe ingredients on this pretty blue card. The gold splashes really compliment the little flower and I'm definitely in awe of how you've used a tag to great effect.

    I hope you're keeping well and enjoying your crafty fixes :) x

  12. Blue is not my go to colour but I really like how you have used it here. I did get as far as preparing the hanging baskets and giving the plants a good soaking pirior to planting up but then the sun and lounger called so I just had to oblige. Hugs Mrs A.

  13. Hi Jules,

    A gorgeous card and my fave colours. Great design as always.

    I spent 3 days at the weekend in the garden. Some of the shrubs had been damaged from the 2 lots of snow we had. So they were in quite a mess. I also had bought a few plants, so put them in today. A lot more still to do.

    I have an order from a friend, to make a card for some of their friends 75th wedding anniversary!!
    I have made a start but the sun pulled me out into the garden!!

    So must get on with it tomorrow.

    Enjoy the sun,
    Love and hugs,
    Carol xxxx

  14. Wow, what a gorgeous card Jules, love the colours xx

  15. Wonderful blue color, layout and awesome design Jules.

    Hugs diane

  16. It's nice to hear that you're enjoying our challenges. I'm looking forward to the next speed challenge too. What pretty ways you've found to include all the recipe ingredients! I really like the way you've featured a tag. Thanks for playing along with us at As You See It.

  17. Lovely colours and design - a gorgeous card Jules
    Lorraine x

  18. I love the term Snippet Mountain! Mine resides in a Wood Mount stamp case that is overflowing. I've got to use some of those babies up! I recognized Gorgeous Grunge embossed elements right away. It was always one of my favourites too! I love your blue and copper theme and that big blue bow won me over at once! Thanks for testing our recipe at As You See It Challenges!

  19. Stunning card Jules - I love how you can use so many elements yet the end result never looks over-fussy. My eye was caught by the pretty striped ribbon - thought it was washi tape at first.

    Apologies for being behind with commenting.


    Di xx

  20. Beautiful colours, lovely elements. Great use of Gorgeous Grunge on a feminine card!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx