Thursday 27 May 2021


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

I hope your week is going well.

A bright start to today here .. .. with a clear sky and sunshine!  Just the sort of day for sharing a Christmas card don't you think?  LOL!!!

My card is for taking over to the Christmas Kickstart Challenge .. .. where the theme is currently "Santa and Friends".

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "40-081" Holiday Hugs
Sentiment:  Woodware "FRS771" Merry & Bright
Backing Paper:  Make & Create "Lovely Mystery"
Sizzix Thinlits Die:  "660978" Woodlands
Metallic Cord

I hope you have sunshine where you are and that you enjoy your day!

Still lots on my "crafty must do list" that I am working my way through  .. .. .. with the most exciting part being the work I am doing for a wedding that was postponed last year and is hopefully going to be taking place when everything potentially opens up again next month.  My fingers are very tightly crossed for the lovely happy couple!

Right .. .. to try and work some miracles!  


  1. A brilliant card Jules,love your image,paper and die cut tree,hope the weather is improving with you,no rain today and the sun is trying to break through the clouds

  2. A super Christmas card Jules, such a jolly image and great design. Good luck with your must do list.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. That's a really sup[er image of Santa and his snowman friend, beautifully coloured and looks really good against the background. Lovely sunny day here all day and less chilly than it has been of late.

  4. What a gorgeous card. Obviously both Santa and Snowie have had their jabs so they can have a hug! Had my first hugs with my parents today - which was lovely. Thanks for playing again at Christmas Kickstart, Jo x

  5. OMGosh, your card is SO cute, Jules. xx

  6. Hi Jules,

    Sounds like you have a busy time ahead. I am sure all the stationary you have to make, will be fantastic.

    Great Christmas card too. Love the PB image and coloured beautifully of
    Hope you are enjoying the sunshine. We saw the sun this afternoon but still only 11 degrees. The joy of living near the sea.

    Hope Mum is keeping well and you are staying safe.
    Love and hugs,

  7. Such a gorgeous fun image on this beautiful card Jules.

    Sue xx

  8. -Super card Jules makes a lovely Christmas card...pleased to hear you are keeping busy

    Enjoy the bank holiday weekend


  9. Lovely card Jules....can't you just feel the warmth in that hug?..guess a snowman wont last long if he is hugged too much! Love your colouring, papers and that final addition of the twine to set it all off. xx

  10. What a wonderful image and a gorgeous card Jules, I love your colours and design, Kate x

  11. This is wonderful! Such a lovely, happy scene.

  12. What a beautiful Christmas card, such a lovely stamp ! I do hope that you can start your wedding job soon ! Hugs, Enny

  13. What a beautiful card, Jules! Love this scene with Santa and his sweet snowman friend! So nice to see this in the gallery at Christmas Kickstart!

  14. I love this stamp, I haven't colored him up for ages - must get him out again! Love the scene you've created foe him - gorgeous.
    Lorraine x

  15. Congrats on Topping the Tree at Christmas Kickstart, Jules!! Just love your sweet Santa with snowman & the snowy background!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx