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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.

Friday 17 May 2024


Hi everyone

Happy Friday .. .. .. .. 

Another quick play was squeezed into yesterday and allowed me to create this card which I was quite pleased with and can see being made for lots of different occasions and in different colours:

This used:

Heart Border Die:  Amazon unbranded 
Sentiment:  Mama Elephant "Bountiful Blessings" (stamped using Brilliance Pearlescent Beige ink) - may no longer be available as the set it came from is quite old now
Backing Papers:  The Works "Vintage Romance" (just love the colours in this pad so much)
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Sadly my Nail Heads haven't made an appearance yet so I had to resort to die cutting some little circles and I just added some Crystal Glamour Dust to them.

I am a bit ashamed to say that despite having packed and transported loads of design papers (and having that rather large box of snippets) I still ended up succumbing to "yet another" pad from The Works last week.  I tried really hard to walk past and did manage to on my way "into town", but was weak "on the way back"!!  LOL!!! 

But in my defence, I only bought one pad .. .. .. not the three I originally picked up!!

The floor is now done in the future craft room so time to limber up for some decorating over the next few days.

Make the most of the weekend when arrives everyone and many thanks for calling by.

I haven't forgotten my rash promises on the "Christmas" and "sketch" front and will be making amends for my absence soon.


Liz said...

Beautiful card Jules, a really lovely design. I haven’t seen that paper pad in The Works. We have a Works right next to the supermarket we use, which is fatal! Although last time I went in they had moved all the 12 x 12 paper pads on the top shelf, which is above head height. When I took one off from the front the whole lot, about 40 or 50 pads, came cascade down on top of me!
Liz xx

Aquarius said...

A lovely card for an anniversary and as you say could cover other events as well. Had to smile at your mention of buying a paper pad from The Works. Unfortunately I rarely get to the shops these days but I do miss the temptations. Mind you there is more than enough temptation 'online' as it is 🤣🤣

meg said...

Beautiful papers,diecut and layout Jules,sounds as though your craftroom will be up and running soon.Thank you for your kind words on my blog.

cuilliesocks said...

A beautiful anniversary card Jules, I love the hearts die and your pretty papers, all beautifully designed, Kate x

Pauline C said...

Very stylish hearts card Jules, as you say perfect for so many occasions. Must admit I don’t buy papers now, but I think I already have enough to last me several lifetimes !!
Pauline xx

LesleyG said...

I can see why you’ll make more of these, that border die is lovely. I like the soft colours, and I think you deserve a little retail therapy, and I admire your restraint 😂. Have a great weekend, don’t overdo the decorating! Xxx

JanR said...

Such a lovely card! The papers are so pretty!

Eve said...

Hi Jules,
WOW! yet another fabulous card - I love the colours, die, sentiment, stitching and layout.... did I forget anything?!
I know exactly what you mean about giving in to temptation - I really must start using the stash that I already have before I buy anything else but we know that is never going to happen!!
So glad you are slowly getting your craft room decorated.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Love Eve xx

Eve said...

Me again!
Just had a look on Amazon for your nail heads - here's the link:

I searched 'hot fix nail heads'
hope that helps!
Eve xx

Lynne said...

A beautiful anniversary card Jules and love that heart die. I think we can all relate to the paper pads. I had to stop myself buying 3 on ebay the other day. Have a good day and don't work too hard. I'll be gardening I think as the sun is going to be shining most of the day xx

Sue - said...

Love the subtle colours on your card. Gives it a very elegant feel.

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jules, It's been a very long time since I visited your blog and I find you've moved house too. It's almost two years since I moved and, confession time, I still have a bunch of boxes waiting to be unpacked. Anyway, I wish you a very happy life in your new home. Your card is beautiful. I particularly like the font in the greeting. I'm intrigued by the nail heads. Look forward to finding out what they are. Take care and have a great week. Elizabeth x

Craftychris said...

Love this beautiful card and thank you for your lovely comment! Take care. Hugs xxx💖💖💖