Just a mega quick post from me before my internet drops out again .. .. having big problems getting on line and when I do get there things take a lifetime to happen or I get error messages and my system locks up and I get nowhere.
Perhaps there is an upgrade going on somewhere but I wasn't able to get on line to post at all yesterday .. .. sorry about that!
I was able to do a bit of commenting in the morning (though it was painfully slow) but once I shut the system down and returned later .. .. nothing!!
Thankfully my emails go to my phone as well so I am at least able to pick orders/messages up or I wouldn't be a happy bunny at all.
So at the moment I can't even share yesterday's share with you!! I have tried but even some of my options when posting have disappeared.
I feel I will be lucky if this post actually appears.
Anyway, have a good day everyone and I will see you when I do!!! Whenever that might be?!?!?!?!
Oh Jules I hope you are soon sorted, how frustrating, just catching up on my blogging and you have been busy I don't know where to start, love your gorgeous Penny Black creation such a cute image and pretty papers, fab set of four cards using the robins! Bet your mum loves being quality control getting to look at all your gorgeous creations first hand and how lucky hubby cooking too! Take CareX:)
Awwww thats bad!! no idea what to say hunnie, other than hurry up back to us! We miss you!! hugs shell xx
Oh Dear Jules sounds a bit more involved than that. Good luck with love and hugs Shirleyxx
Hi Jules, you're not alone here, I too had a day with internet problems all day yesterday and still not much improvement, never mind we'll catch up :0) xxx
Oh gosh I feel for you. I would be lost without my internet.
We do get dependent on it these days don't we!!!
See you when I see you.xxx
See you when we see you Jules! Lol! Can't sweat the small stuff girlie! I was having issues the other day too so I do know your frustration. Sometimes you just have to walk away,........take care! :) Tracy
Oh dear Jules, what a worry, I do hope you soon get back to normal with it, it's horrid when your puter lets you down, it's like losing a friend.
Hugs Jacee
How frustrating for you Jules. I hope you get fully back on line soon.
Clare x
Ohhh Jules how awful hun!, hope you have sorted your bloggy probs out soon :o(
Missing your gorgeous cards!
Hugs Vicky xx
Oh dear! How annoying. Hope you get everything back to normal asap. xx
oh jules.i do hope things sort themselves out.must say i have been getting the error message a lot too :D
xx coops xx
Awe Jules I hope your up and running soon,geez that must be the pits when that happens, what did we do before the internet, oh I know, as I am that old heheh it was boring lol.
Hugs Linda
I hope your internet pulls its socks up soon, hun! *hugs*
luv, Mags x
Hope you find it fixed very soon, my friend!
Me too jules, keep losing all posts on my dashboard, its driving me mad. hope you are ok love chrisx x
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