My oh my!!!!
What a happy place the snippet playground was last week.
So many of us happily playing along with each other at various stages of the week .. .. .. and some playmates having so much fun that they came back to play again later!! How lovely is that?
It was a snippet world record week and inspiration was flowing from all angles .. .. but do you know what the best part is? It is that when I go to comment I see that all the playmates are chatting and commenting amongst themselves too .. .. so lots of new friendships are being formed. How special is that?
But before I call the register of playmates here are my snippet makes for this week .. .. just the three I'm afraid as we having been out and about today .. .. hence being a little late too .. sorry!!!
OK so now round to all my lovely snippet playmates of last week. Lots of blog hopping and treats for you today folks!! What a shame no calories are lost whilst doing hopping about because you would shed hundreds of them jumping around all the inspiration on show here:
First past the post was Debs who played twice this week. With her first lovely creation here and the second (which was actually a collection of cards made for a very good cause) here. Two great posts Debs and lovely creations .. .. plenty of hearts about too!! LOL!!!
Next to arrive was Lisa. Her first appearance shared two gorgeous makes which you can find here and the next beauty you will find here. Such gorgeous papers and colours on this one!! Thank you for giving us all such lovely inspiration Lisa.
Mandy also played twice this week with her first lovely creation here and the second here. I am beginning to think that Mandy is perhaps getting into the mood for a holiday as both of her lovely creations are beach scenes!!! Lovely use of your snippets Mandy!!!
Sally joined in the fun next with the most gorgeous tag in the most delicate shade of blue. This made me think that some of my smaller snippets are just perfect for tags!! Not something I had really considered before. Sadly when I buy a birthday present I quite often just fasten the birthday card to the parcel. Perhaps I should have a little box of birthday tags instead!!! Thank you Sally for the inspiration and getting my mind going down this track.
The next playmate into the snippet playground was Di. Di also enjoyed herself so much that she played twice. The first creation you can find here and the second here. Both cards are so lovely with the first giving the potential to use up lots of "very small" snippets!! Lovely creations Di!!
Andria came out to play next and what a beauty she came up with. So many fabby layers and a brilliant image. Not one I had seen before. Thanks for sharing Andria. Gorgeous work!
The next player I feel I was lucky to catch this week. This was Mags. She has been gadding about like there is no tomorrow .. .. she made me giddy with all her comings and goings this week .. .. LOL!!! Mags shares 4 lovely makes on the same post.. .. but admits that only three of them are snippet makes as she cut into a brand new pristine piece of paper for one of them. Never mind Mags .. .. three out of four can't be bad!!! Loving the patchwork look you posted Mags!!
The next playmate was a super brave Craftilicious who not only shared some lovely birthday cards she has made with her snippets .. .. but she also shared a wonderful look around her craft space and snippet storage. I love seeing how other people store their snippets. Thank you so much for sharing!!! Lots of people are going to enjoy a good snoop around there now I'm sure.
Tammy had so much fun that she visited twice last week too. Her first lovely creation you will find here and the second one is here. Both cards are lovely and are so very different to each other. One all romantic and delicate and the other colourful and funky!!! Can't choose a favourite between them as they are both so lovely.
Lynne also came along twice too last week. The first creation you can find here and this really made me smile .. .. and I am sure it will you too when you read the post that goes with it. Then Lynne's second creation is super special because it is for a super special little person. This make is gorgeous and also features a healthy sprinkling of hearts!! I wonder if there is a collective noun for lots of hearts LOL!!! If not I might have to invent one.
Another brave playmate appeared next .. .. Vicky. Not only did Vicky share a really beautiful snippet make she also bared her snippets for the world to see. Could Vicky have more snippets than me? It is possible but doubtful .. .. great storage ideas too. Thanks for sharing Vicky!!!
A new playmate next in Alexeya who share the most lovely card inspired by a bouquet of flowers she was given by her husband for her birthday. A lovely use of snippets and a very confident playmate too because she doodled the most amazing silver doodles!!! Thank you for coming along to play Alexeya .. .. I hope you made some nice friends in the playground and had a lovely birthday.
Another heart overdose snippet appeared next from Katina who has been super organised and made her wedding anniversary card .. .. ..which she doesn't need until September!!! Well done Katina. Oh to be that organised!! Loving this card and the gorgeous sentiment it carries.
A fabby make next from Sandra who made a lovely snippet card using such a lovely colour combo and a brilliant Penny Black image. Sandra did sneak a few more snippet makes onto her blog this week but I think she felt she was overloading the snippet cart if she added too many LOL!!! But the more the merrier I say .. .. then we can all get more inspiration as to what to do to whittle down our snippet mountains.
Brenda B called into the playground with a quick share before she headed off on a camping trip .. .. and what a lovely share it was too. Such a cute image, gorgeous colour choices and embellishments. Prepare to be inspired. Hope you had a good time away Brenda.
Another new playmate this week was Elizabeth. Lots to show you from Elizabeth's lovely blog. First Elizabeth's very first snippet make which you can see here .. .. I love the little tree and am definitely going to "borrow" this idea!! Next is Elizabeth's craft space and snippet collection which you can find here. Lovely posts Elizabeth .. .. especially your holiday views!! I hope you enjoyed your first visit to the snippet playground.
Claire was the next to the playground and showed a whole host of lovely creations with a couple based on a layout I had used a couple of Sunday's previous. Loving the "dressed up" hearts in this post .. .. they look super cute Claire. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful makes.
Then last but by no means least this week was Beryl with a superb Christmas card. How gorgeous is this? I really do need to remember to stamp in coloured ink more often because Beryl has produced a great look here. Thank you for the inspiration!!!
So lots and lots and lots of playmates in the playground .. .. and lots and lots of hopping and inspiration for everyone.
Thank you everyone for playing along and keeping me company.
Fingers crossed I have managed to link everything up where it should be going as yesterday I entered the Penny Black Saturday Challenge and managed to link them to themselves LOL!!! Oh dear!!! LOL!!
Have a great evening everyone.