It took me quite a while, but I have finally managed to create "something" worth looking at .. .. a new sketch for my rectangular collection. Yay!!!
I am now keeping my fingers crossed that I can remember how I did it, and also how I eventually managed to get it onto my blog (because that took me ages too LOL!!!).
There will be lots of fun to be had with the new programme, and thankfully there is lots of help on the old 'tinternet, so I am looking forward to delving in deeper once the pressures of life allow. My overactive brain is thinking I could perhaps even design some digital backing papers of my own!!
As the saying goes "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again" .. .. .. .. .. but it has taken a lot of trying for me to create something that looks as simple and basic as this .. .. .. LOL!!!
Backing Papers: Isabelline from Pink Petticoat/The Lovely Studio (very sadly no longer trading)
X-Cut Corner Rounding Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine