Today has been a very wet and very windy day .. .. .. but also a very exciting one!!!
One of my dreams has come true!!
I have been featured in this month's copy of Quick Cards Made Easy .. .. .. and today managed to get my sticky mitts on a copy at the supermarket .. .. .. woo hoo!! I think I might have been smirking all day!!
This is the front cover:
That is my Sunday name in the middle .. .. Julie Gibbs
My Mum is so chuffed and rang me early today .. .. I think she has been visiting her local supermarket every day for weeks waiting for it to make an appearance .. .. even though I told her roughly what date it would be available. Patience isn't one of her virtues. LOL!!
So now the world has seen my "ugly mug" I thought I might change my profile to show my face too.
I was going to do it tonight but Mr Blogger is saying I have exceeded my photo upload quota .. .. eeekkk!! .. .. what does all that mean? Have I been blogging too much?
I hope it doesn't mean I can't post any more pictures!!! Panic!!!
Edited to say .. .. panic over .. .. the picture I was trying to upload was too big so I have resized it in "web re-sizer" and now you can see me.
So am I older than you thought or younger? Probably old enough to be your Mother or Grandmother!!! .. .. but I am only old on the outside. Inside I am about 14!! LOL!!!
There was a fabby free paper stack with the magazine .. .. might have to play with that tomorrow and "hopefully" show you the results!!!
Have a great evening everyone.
Wow Jules congrats ! i will have to look out for this mag the next time at the shops x
Wow, congratulations! What a huge honour to be in a magazine - well done!
Emma :)
Congrats Jules, its funny how you picture people isnt it... I have to admit to you not looking how I imagined but its nice to have a face to the name.... lol
WOW, that's fantastic, Jules!!! Congratulations!!! Your cards are so beautiful, I am not surprised though:-)! And we get to see you:-), you look fab, and it is nice to put a face on your name:-)! Have a lovely evening! Hugs Delphine xx
Congratulations dearie.Really pleased for you.You go girl! You deserve it.Will have to buy a copy to see your fab makes.Love Debbie x
Hi Jules, top blogger, yeah!! Congratulations!! Now I will have to go searching for a copy of the mag to wave in front of the EM. I know you're old enough to be my very young sister :) I'd have gone into panic mode too if I couldn't upload photos - so glad you got it sorted out. Congrats again, Elizabeth x
Oh Jules, how lovely to see you. It's like seeing a photo of someone you listen to on the radio, they are never quite what you expect, but that is a compliment before you send someone round to duff me
Congrats on the magazine article, how exciting and truly well deserved. I shall look out for a copy when I'm shopping tomorrow.
Hugs Lisax
WOO HOO, well done, will keep my eye our for it! (nice to see you too) x
Congratulations, Jules! That is awesome news. I will pick up a copy tomorrow. The photo doesn't show how tall and elegant you are (mine doesn't show how short and stumpy I am either!)
Congratulations that's wonderful. I'll have to go and get a copy at the weekend.
Nikki x
Wow. That is amazing Jules! Congratulations. Must pick up the magazine next time I am out and have a nose.
Congratulations Jules!!! Fabulous news and so well deserved as you produce such gorgeousness with every creation. I'll have to keep an eye out for it in the newsagent I'm pretty sure we get that mag here.
I had pictured you with soft curls! LOL. Also in my mind, I'd imagined you at about the right age and as beautiful as you are too, so glad I got that right!
Once again, congratulations. Well done girl!
Kasey ~ in Oz
What fabulous news Jules!!! Many congratulations, this is so well deserved. I am delighted that we'll be gracing the pages together, lol!
Woohoo, well hello cover girl. Well done! Big congrats. So now what you do is every time you are in the supermarket you move all the Quick Cards to the front.
Liz x
Wow that's fab! you're famous! :) I'll keep an eye out for it when I'm shopping and pick up a copy - any excuse to buy more craft magazines :) M x
OMG! Jules (it's not Sunday lol!) Woohoohoo!!!!! I am over the moon hun this is amazing news, you clever girl, sooooo well deserved and I know the readers will get so inspired by you and your amazing creations. LOVE your fab pic too. :o)
Donna x
Congratulations Julie!!!! You must be sooooooo pleased! Really... CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I, too, have the same problem with loading photos in the design element of my blog which is why I can't participate in your current candy or in anyone else's for that matter. I have been told to make my pictures smaller or buy more space but I haven't had time to try yet. In the meantime it has not stopped me from loading posts...yet! Big congratulatory hugs! Lesley
Oh Jules, I'm made up for you and so pleased to put a face to a name at last, you look totally different to how I imagined you...definitely younger ;)
I'll get a copy next time I'm in town.
Jenny x
Hi Jules
Many Congratulations on having your talented work published. You are very talented lady and I am enjoying your work greatly!!! To be honest I thought you were someone of an age between 20-30 years old. It just goes to show that age does not matter, does it? It is your talent that attracted me to your blog.
Michaela xx
Well done you Jules, must look out for it tomorrow. Lovely to see you too :) Carol x
Hey you! I must get my copy tomorrow! Well done you. :) xxx
Congrats Jules - so well deserved - Ann xxx
Woo hoo!! Congratulations Juls!
Hugs, Clare x
So well deserved Jules, I loved reading your article!
Hugs Lynsey x
Wow Jules CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!!!!! i must get the mag tomorrow!it's so lovely to see you too!!
Wow congratulations Jules you must be as proud as punch!! Chanelle xx
OHMYGosh!!! I know you're super excited because I'm super excited FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! =D
Hi Jules. I saw your feature chick and hugest congrats. We are sort of 'mag neighbours' cos I'm in the sister mag Card Making & Papercraft :) I had a browse through your work and lordy lord it's fabulous and I love the fact that you add a heart somewhere. That so made me smile cos it's just lovely. Hugs, Dawny xx
Wow, congratulations Jules! I am so pleased for you, very well deserved! Lovely to put a face to the name at last!
Helen x
Oh wow Jules! So happy for you! Well deserved, hope you frame it! :) And nice to see a piccie of you too!
Huge congrats on being published Jules. You deserve it as your cards are always fabulous. Hugs x
CONGRATULATIONS Jules, i'll have to go and get it for a peek.
Well done hun.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Congratulations Jules, love your new pic
Beryl x
I'm so chuffed you you's so lovely to be published...and so well deserved too :o)
big hugs Vicky xx
wow how cool must buy it and have a wee look K x
Aww Jules your name in lights at long last and very deserved it is to. Fab photo nice to see you. Hugs, Amanda x
OMG Jules this is fantastic news congratulations I will have to try and get a copy.
Lorraine x
Congratulations, Jules and so well deserved! And definitely not old enough to be my mum - more like the other way round! Hugs, Tracey x
Ooh congrats Jules, how fab is that?! I don't normally buy this mag, but I shall make sure I get 'your' issue :o) Lisa x
Congratulations - well done - you deserve the recognition as your cards are always wonderful. Looking forward now to picking up a copy of this magazine.
Congratulations on being published Jules - good on you!!!! And you are different to what I thought - isn't it funny how you get a picture in your head. I just love your blog and I can't wait to see what you have created for quick cards but I have to wait a little longer for mine here in Australia x joy
Yeah - way to go Jules! Or should we call you Ms Gibbs now ;-)
Am thrilled for you - soooo totally deserved :-D
Will get myself a copy tomorrow.
Tara x
Aaaargh, Jules I picked that mag up today and then put it back without checking the front because I decided I have enough piles of magazines and didn't want to be tempted, lol. I'll have to go back again tomorrow now as I can't possibly not have a copy of your first published work.
Of course, I've already had the pleasure of meeting you face to face but I for one think it's lovely to see your face on your blog now.
Well done Buddy, you deserve to be in print!
Big Hugs
Lesley Xx
Wow congratulations - well deserved too!! I'm off to Tesco on the way to work ;)
woooohooooooo!! go jules!!! oh hun I am so very pleased for you, this is so exciting!
huge congratulations hugs from me and mo
Hugs Lou xxx
Congratulations Jules and Happy new year to you also
Hugs louise xx
Fabulous news Jules, a great start to 2012. Well deserved as your cards are all just GORGEOUS - brilliant news.
Oooh GREAT to "see" you Jules. Congrats on being published my friend. Long overdue in my opinion! xxx
Lovely to See You!!
Congratulations on being 'published'
Enjoy your fame - you deserve it, its always a pleasure to pop by.
Avril xx
At last - the magazine is out! I'll be hopping off to Sainsburys later on today - well done honey!! Love the photo! Whoop, whoop - I might even brave the gale force winds in your honour :)) Love, Di xx
Oh you clever Jules! That is such great news and you just carry on smirking! Vicky x
Congratulations Jules. I'm sure this is just the start of many! :) xxx
Big congratulations Jules, so well deserved!!
Janice x
WTG missus, so pleased & proud! You need to frame it lol!!
Huge hugs shell xx
ps you look the same in that pic as you did when I saw you lol!!
Big congrats Jules, what amazing news & you must feel so proud, well done! I will try to get the mag tomorrow when we get our big shop for the week. I agree with other comments that people don't ever look like you imagined them to but it's really nice to put a face to your name. Enjoy your brill day.
Sally x
Hi Jules, how exciting!!! I must get out and get my copy. Well done, you do so deserve it. I don't know how I imagined you but you look just lovely and you are such a lovely person. Luv & Hugs Trish x
Congratulations Jules, bet your well chuffed. Soon as I got on your blog saw your piccie and thought it was new. Looks fab!
Hi Jules, you know I've emailed you my congrats, but I thought I'd add my 'Congratulations (woo hoo!)' here along with all the other good wishes.
I knew you're just slightly older than me, but great to be able to put a face to your name.
Quick Cards is on my list to get tomorrow when out and about on my last day off work :-(. Back to the grindstone next week.
Love & Hugs, Pauline xx
Congratulations Jules! At last your fabulousness can be enjoyed by more than just us bloggers!
I'll have to see about getting a copy.
And well done on keeping that news from slipping!
That's lovely news, well deserved!! Don't know why but I had imagined you with big soft curls in shoulder length blonde hair - haha, how wrong could I have been??
Well done you,fame at
Wow Jules, that is fabulous news !!! So exciting, so happy for you, congrats and well done. It's been some time since I bought this mag, but now I really have to get this one :) and I love your pic, when I saw it I thought .. but how didn't I see it before he he .. you look so sweet, it's so good to see you . Hugs Dora xxx
wow fantastic news jules.congratulations hun.i will have to get the mag now and tell everyone i know
great pic of you too :D
xx coops xx
WOW Jules, How wonderful, a great success and the big reveal, LOL It's lovely to see you and I can only congratulate you the front page, and it's a stunning card too, well done, hugs Gay xxx
Well done Jules - huge congratulations on being "published". So nice to see your profile pic.too.
Hope you have a wonderful 2012. Hugs, Sylvia xx
OH CONGRATS Jules!!! Absolutely love your profile pic, so great to 'see' you!!!! You look fabulous and I always say its how old you feel, your posts are so youthful and so is your crafting too! I know we would get along great if we were to ever meet!
Have a great weekend!!!
Congratulations Jules, well deserved :) xx
I missed this post, I'm off today to buy my copy. Congratulations you very clever and talented lady!!
Oh Jules this is fabulous news - well done you - so well deserved!!! You must be thrilled to bits :o)
I must pop down to the shops and pick up my copy - can't wait to see your gorgeous work in print.
Huge congrats hun and lots of love
Debs xx
huge congrats!! well deserved! Hugs juls
Congratulations on your starring role in 'Quick Cards' - thoroughly deserved, I think. Terrific picture of you, I really like your spiky hairdo!!
Here's to even more fame and fortune in 2012!
much love, Mags B x
P. S. I've just noticed - there's even a heart on the front cover!!!
love Mags B xx
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