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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.

Thursday, 14 October 2021


Hi Everyone

I hope your Thursday has been a good one.

I certainly can't say I am a fan of the nights getting darker so early.  I don't like crafting by electric light.

More Christmas from me today:

This used:

Image:  LOTV Digital Image "Christmouse Pudding"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Paper:  Make & Create "Merry and Bright"
Corner Rounding Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is another Christmas card added to the box.

Many thanks for all the comments and emails regarding my Mum.  You are all so very kind.

It is certainly good to see her more like her old self again .. .. .. just in time to be treated to a flu jab on Saturday!! 

Catch you again soon


meg said...

Love this image and your sentiment Jules ,then again I love Christmas pudding,hope the flu jab goes well on Saturday

Dotty Jo said...

This is lovely, Jules! Jo x

Carol S. said...

Hi Jules,

Love your fun, cute card.
I hope to start making my Christmas cards next week. I do have some left from last year.

Must be great for you to see your Mum back to normal. Hope she stays like that for a few more years.

Got another Craft Fair on Sunday, so busy making more Christmas elements as the all sold at the last one and my Needle Felting sold well too.

Love and hugs,
Carol xxxx

Pauline C said...

Adorable card Jules .. love that image. Glad your mum is a bit better and hope she is ok with her flu jab .. I had mine today so fingers crossed
Pauline x

Aquarius said...

Super card using this great image - love it

Lynne said...

Your card is lovely Jules, I love that cute image and so pleased to hear your Mum is back to her normal again x

Kath said...

A lovely card Jules - I can't believe how close Christmas is creeping!

Thank you for your comment on my blog - Steve is making a very good recovery. I'm just finding my way back to blogland after our summer travels and events of the last few weeks.
Kath x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

What a fantastic card Jules, I love it.

Sue xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Who doesn’t love Christmas pud! Love the images perfectly coloured,,,,brilliant card Jules…so p,eased to hear mum is better..


Viv said...

Brilliantly cute card Jules.
Hope all is well in the House of Hearts - after moving out of our house once we had sold we were supposed to be in this rented place for 6 weeks max....12 weeks later we're still here and probably another 4 (at least) to go. This house buying has become a nightmare of biblical proportions so I apologize for my long absences from visiting your lovely blog. xx

cotnob said...

A fun Christmas card Jules, a super image and great sentiment.
I'm not keen on the dark evenings either, I don't like walking the dogs in the dark.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Anonymous said...

Jules fab card love the image so cute and I found your little heart too. Alison x

Barbara said...

What a sweet Christmas card and love the mouse humor! Nicely done!

cuilliesocks said...

A super card Jules, a sweet image and beautifully designed too, Kate x

Lorraine said...

Just trying to fit in a quick catch up with everyone, and so glad to hear that your Mum is doing well.
Love all the gorgeous cards I've missed over the last few posts.
Lorraine x

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness this image is just adorable and I love your wonderful coloring of it too. Terrific papers and layers you added too.

wannabcre8tive said...

A super cute card. I am with you, I don’t like it getting dark early. The evenings seem so long and when the time changes,nthey will seem even longer.

JanR said...

Such a sweet card! Loving the sentiment too. I agree, not liking how early it gets dark these should be illegal to be dark before 7:00pm. (;

Sarah said...

That LOTV image always makes me smile...I do love a Christmas pud!! A lovely card Jules. Hope Mum is okay after her flu jab xx

Lisa xx said...

Such a of my favourite lotvs

Tracey T said...

Such a sweet image, Jules and I love the paper! The nights are starting to draw in a little earlier here now but thankfully still quite mild xx

JD/ Jill said...

Cute Christmas card!