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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!

Here at last after a two week break whilst trying to sort out things regarding Mum.  We now have her back at home and we see little improvements most days .. .. .. which is brilliant considering the mayhem of the first week.

Once Mum banned me from sleeping on her settee we knew she was starting to feel a bit better .. .. and us three kids have drawn up a rota between us so that she is always being well cared for.  We make a great team!

Mum isn't able to do everything she could do before she went into hospital  .. .. .. but we haven't given up hope that as things continue to improve she will regain a bit more independence again.  But if not .. well .. .. .. we will always be there for her.

I am breaking my absence gently with a teeny tiny creation .. .. which for anyone new to my blog measures a whole 3.5 inches square:

This used:

Image:  LOTV "Hats Off" Digital Image  (I copied and pasted a few of the snow dots to extend the blizzard)
Sentiment:  LOTV "Swirly Festive Greetings" Digital
Crystal Glamour Dust

My Trusty Sewing Machine

So that is me for today, but before I go I want to thank everyone who left me such lovely comments, and sent thoughtful emails regarding my Mum. It was really kind of you all, and the good wishes definitely helped.


Pauline C said...

This is such a sweet teeny tiny Jules … lovely image and colouring. So glad to hear you have got your mum hone and can hopefully get into some kind of a routine. It’s lovely that there are 3 of you there for her, though it must still be very hard. Take care xx
Pauline x

meg said...

A fabulous happy snowman,a wonderful card Jules, so pleased to read that your mum is home and showing signs of improvement on a daily basis,take care Meg xx

Elaine Stark said...

So glad your mum is home. I hope her health continues to improve. It is so worrying being in hospital just now, a big relief now she is home. Your card is wonderful as are the colours. Take care of yourself. Elaine

JD/ Jill said...

This is a cute image, nicely colored. Glad to hear that your mother is doing better, and that you can now be with her since she is home. I feel so much for people who can't be with their love ones these days due to covid... When my mother was going for treatment, I sat with her for every chemo treatment, and know that helped her to know I was there.

Aquarius said...

What a lovely little snowman card, great to see you back in blogland. I've been thinking about you during your absence and I'm so pleased to hear that your Mum is back home and making improvements day by day, with the help of a supportive family. Take care, Hugs.

Claire said...

Hello Jules, so nice to hear your Mum is improving, I hope her health continues to gain strength through the coming weeks. Take care of you too ❤

I love snowmen and he's no exception, what a sweet tiny festive card x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Such a wonderful Teeny Tiny card Jules. I'm glad that your Mum is now back at home and beginning to improve. I know how hard these times are at the moment and hope that she improves enough to become independant again.

Thinking of you all.
Sue xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Great little snowman card Jules…..I guessed you’d been busy with hope…sounds like you’ve got things organised..good to here she’s making improvements…


Anonymous said...

Hi Jules glad to see that your mum is improving. I love your sweet card it’s so cute. Love Alison x

Carole said...

Hats off to you too! Mr snowman!...and his heart button...but...please don't let it snow yet! . Glad mum is on the up again! Missed your posts. xx

Sarah said...

So pleased to hear that your Mum is back at home, definitely the best place to recuperate. What a lovely dinky card, love that LOTV snowman xx

Tracey T said...

So sorry to hear that your mum has been in hospital but glad she is home now. Hopefully it won't be too long before she is back to her former self. Love your card - this is one of my favourite images for Christmas. Sending hugs, Tracey xx

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Jules, good to hear your much is getting better, it just takes time, and so wonderful that she has you all to support her.
I love your wee snowman, so cute and a lovely design, take care, Kate x

Carol S. said...

Hi Jules,

Was getting a bit concerned not seeing you here for a while.

Glad to hear Mum is on the mend. Sometimes people get better at home than in a hospital.

A gorgeous card as snowmen are my favourite Christmas image.

Will chat soon.
Love and hugs,
Carol xxxx

HilaryJane said...

So glad to hear your Mum is making progress. Love this card, so sweet xx

cotnob said...

A super card Jules, such a fun snowman.
I'm so pleased to hear that your Mum is back home and on the mend, I hope she continues to improve and is soon back to her old self.
Take care.