I hope today has been good for you.
We have actually had sunshine today .. .. .. yay!!!
So of course that has meant a few trips to the washing line .. .. perhaps a new saying should be adopted in the form of .. .. .. "make ironing whilst the sun shines" LOL!!!
Sadly, my 4 of 5 get well cards is being delayed :-( Sorry folks!
I am so close to finishing a wedding order that I can't force myself to stop and make a share for the day .. .. I am too excited at the thought of another order being boxed up ready for collection. Such a lovely feeling!!! Another couple of hours and I should be done!!
So short and sweet and away to finish off.
Take care everyone and have a good evening.

Hi Jules, I don't blame you for wanting to get your order all done & dusted, I'm sure you'll have a share for us tomorrow. No sun here today :(
Sally x
No need to apologise Jules. Miracles you can perform but the impossible takes a while longer.Lol.
Lynne xxx
Hi Jules, hope you've got your order finished. Been lovely day here until about half an hour ago and the heavens opened. Hugs x
Its so nice to have things organised and in a couple of hours ready to go , nice feeling, glad you have had some sunshine too Jules . Hugs Elaine
Aaaw! Jules im sulking now! lol!! i look forward to this he he!!! never mind i shall be back!glad you got the wedding order done!
Glad you got some sunshine - we did here too. Will see what I've missed after the weekend as I'm off to visit family and friends tomorrow morning.
Beryl xx
hope you managed it Jules. xxx
glad you got some sun Jules. you have work to do in the wedding order you must finish so never mind apologies for no card!! LOL
hugs to you x
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