Hi Everyone
Well today I have treated myself to a Sunday where I have been even more lazy than I normally am.
I didn't even play with my snippets!!! (Sorry Miss Di xx).
Last week was one very busy week wedding wise .. .. in fact probably my busiest week so far .. .. and the coming week is shaping up to be the same and also sees me ducking out of a trip to the NEC later this week.
Lots of new customers coming on board and other happy couples coming to the end of their wedding stationery journey with me. (Although some still remain customers for my general makes and for other occasions long after the weddings have come and gone).
I am so lucky to meet so many lovely people and to be doing what I love doing best in the world 24/7 .. .. however it is now a real job .. .. and it has turned into the job I gave up paid employment to make happen.
So after having such a busy week I decided to be super lazy today and re-charge my batteries ready to hit the ground running next week.
It was also nice to be able to have my Mum come for Sunday dinner. Normally she goes to my big brother's every Sunday and has dinner there. He works away all week so Sunday is the only day she gets to see him. But he is away for two weeks celebrating his Ruby Wedding Anniversary so I stole my Mum this week and my lovely Sis will be able to do the same next Sunday.
So that is me for today. Hopefully I will have some general makes to share with you this week .. .. but I won't promise.
I hope you have all had a great weekend and thank you so much to everyone who has sent emails checking as to whether I am OK. I promise all is good.
Catch you when I do.

Glad everything is going well work wise Jules, I know it was a big step for you give up your job. Here's to continued success. Carol x
Hi Jules
So happy to hear you took a day off to rest those batteries. You work so hard with your wedding work and producing wonderful creations to tempt us all with.
Also, it's great to see your business taking off when all the news is so gloomy. It's testiment to your commitment and determination. Well done!
Enjoy your night, take care.
Big hugs xxx
PS. It was trying to snow before on our way home :(
I'm so thrilled that your business is doing so well! Mind, I'm not surprised, you have a real talent for design!
I miss you when you don't blog, but I always hope that it's because you're busy looking after 'happy couples'!
Have a great week!
love Mags B xx
Glad to hear you had the lovely pleasure of yourMum's company at Sunday Supper.
Good that the wedding business has taken off so well. You always amaze me that you are so disciplined to accomplish everything you set out to do! It is a wonderful skill!
Glad to see that all is well with you and that business is booming. Take care.
Hullo Jules so glad you had a break after all your hard work, even more tops that you had it with dear mother.. love the cards down below agree with the boy bunny stamp and great use too you know lovely!
Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x
Glad things are working out for you Jules it can be a big gamble this card/crafting effort have fun and enjoy
jacqui x
I'm so pleased for you that your venture turned into a big success Jules. Hope you enjoyed your lazy day and the company of your mum.
Pity you'll be missing the NEC - do you ever go to Port Sunlight? It's a smaller venue but there seems to be just as much there.
Beeryl xx
Glad all is well Jules. You deserve a break to recharge the batteries.
Happy crafting.
Heather W
Hope you enjoyed your well deserved lazy day Jules!
Helen x
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