Hi Everyone
I hope you are all well and having a good week.
Mine has been super exciting as we escaped for a three night break on Monday to York and had a fabby time!!!
The weather wasn't super sunny .. .. just nice and pleasant .. .. and dry!!! What more could you want?
It is many, many years since I last visited York and it was just as lovely as I remembered it. We found everyone to be so friendly. Especially the shopkeepers and hotel/restaurant staff. Much more appreciative of your trade than some of those more closer to home that's for sure.
But of course even when I escape from my craft pod I have to take something crafty with me to do .. .. so my craft pod desk was swapped for a much more luxurious one .. .. I have never had so much clear crafty space to play on and here is my little gallery of the images I coloured .. .. just look at all those little hedgies!! LOL!!
and here are all the images I stamped to take with me .. .. and didn't get time to colour .. .. slacker!!
I also had a little cutting out session of those little flowers I use quite often. It is always nice to have a ready supply of them for a quick card (plus it is good for using up some of the old snippets).
and the last thing I took to make were some of those twine flowers which I posted about a few weeks ago.
I decided it was probably time I gave my lovely Sis the little gadget back again so thought I would make a few flowers on the train journey there and back. Here are a few of them.
As I started making them hubby asked "How many of those have you got to make?" Normally when I am making something I need "ten(s)" or sometimes "hundreds" of something .. .. but this time I simply said "as many as I can do before I give this little gadget back".
But then what happened?
Well we arrived home and there was a package through the door. I was expecting the contents to be for a magazine commission but no .. .. look what was inside .. ..
my very own flower making gadget!!! How lucky am I? By special delivery from Anony Mouse !!! I have no idea which naughty person posted this to me .. .. even the postmark on the envelope was smudged so I have no clue there either .. .. but of course I would like to say
That was very kind and so totally unexpected. My lovely Sis can now have the one I borrowed back when I see her tomorrow.
So to finish here is a picture we took in York .. taken looking up The Shambles .. .. with the little shop we dreamed of me owning showing on the right (but I would have to re-paint it).
and the view I would have if I was to be inside the shop looking out LOL!!!
That is one dream that can't come true .. .. but it is lovely to wish and dream.
We also spent time round the York Castle Museum where for part of the time we were transported back to Victorian England. That was a really enjoyable few hours and at one point I found myself standing next to a young gentleman who was blind and was being escorted around the exhibition by a lady who was describing everything to him. What a true gift that lady had. She could describe things so fantastically and made me notice things that I had missed .. .. and the dressed up mock shop owners would get things down from the shelves for the young man to feel .. .. gosh we take a lot for granted when we can see don't we!!!
We also spent time round the York Castle Museum where for part of the time we were transported back to Victorian England. That was a really enjoyable few hours and at one point I found myself standing next to a young gentleman who was blind and was being escorted around the exhibition by a lady who was describing everything to him. What a true gift that lady had. She could describe things so fantastically and made me notice things that I had missed .. .. and the dressed up mock shop owners would get things down from the shelves for the young man to feel .. .. gosh we take a lot for granted when we can see don't we!!!
We arrived home this afternoon in time for a happy couple to collect their order .. .. and they have just left. I certainly had to work hard to schedule in three nights away. But it was worth it!! What a lovely escape.
So tonight I am going to rest my aching legs from all that walking, have a womble around blogland and look forward to a night back in my own bed ahead of needing to hit the ground running again tomorrow!
Have a lovely evening everyone.

Hello Jules, you certainly had a lovely little break away, I love York too and trying to encourage hubby to go again. You definately managed to get some work done there too and what a wonderful surprise to come home to, your own little gizmo, lucky you and how kind of your benefactor. Have a lovely restful evening, hugs Kate x
So glad to hear you had a fabulous time in York. I live in a little village on the outskirts of York - had you let me know you were coming we could have met up for a cuppa!
I'm taking my mum into town tomorrow and we go to a little Italian called Bari's down the Shambles for tea and a doughnut!
Lorraine x
It sounds like you had a lovely time Jules, lucky you - I love York, spent many a lovely weekend there with hubby before the children came along.
Can't wait to see the cards that you make with all of those adorable little hedgies!
Jules you are so much fun! I can't believe you have time to colour and make snippet flowers whilst on holiday!!! Well done you! I also love York and if I didn't live where I do that would be where I'd like to set up home. I've a feeling there's a juice bar just near that shop on the Shambles so I'd be more than happy owning that too! Dreams eh! The Castle museum is huge isn't it and goes on forever - think a few miles will have been tracked on the pedometer!!! Enjoy your weekend. Sarah x
Hi Jules,
Sounds like you had a lovely time in York... I do love it around there. We went for a weeekend a few years ago. Had a lovely time even though we came back on a tow truck, because the car broke down! Your coloured images made me smile, I do this myself!
PS I have some candy on my blog if you would like to enter.
So pleased to hear you had a lovely (and well deserved) time in York. I've booked a couple of nights there for me and the Boy Wonder in the October holidays. We were there a couple of years ago and had a ball, so we're really looking forward to going back. Your photos are just gorgeous. Hugs, Tracey x
Wow Jules, you sound as though you'd a lovely time ... all work and no play etc etc! Love York! Hugs x
WOW! Jules it sounds like you have had a wonderful few days - good for you. You work very hard and deserve some time out.
How lovely to receive that flower maker - well done whoever sent it to you, I wish I'd have thought of it!
If I win the lottery the shop is yours!! LOL!
Thanks for sharing your trip and hope you have a lovely weekend.xx
Sound like you've had a fabulous time Jules..York is such a beautiful place and you even managed to do lots if colouring...how nice to get a 'gift' on your return home a perfect end to you mini break
Well bet you didn't have much room in your suitcase for clothes with all the crafty items and how well you did too. Glad you had a good time and if you bought that shop for a craft shop and you do it right away as Sam(Hettie) is going to York next week and has mailed me if I know any craft shops there but I do live over an hour away and it is a place I pass but never really go to, so if you found any while you were there would you please let Sam know. I have given her a couple of ideas but have no idea where they actually are.
Kath x
Oooo didn't your visit co-inside with the food festival ??
Looks like a lot of fun was had, and very nice of some to send you the crochet daisy maker too, Luv Sam x
It sounds like you had a wonderful trip to York. Hubby and I went there over 20 years ago (before we had the children), we really loved it and are determined to go again one day.
Looks like you had a productive time too with all your fab colouring and cutting out.
How lovely to receive your own flower makers for Anony Mouse!
hugs Sue
What fun!! Love the photos! And the little letter from Anony Mouse brought tears to my eyes!! How unbelievably sweet for someone to take the trouble to find that gadget for you!! Isn't Blogland wonderful??!!! =D
Sounds like a lovely time away, I do like York too. Must get my flower loom out and make some twine flowers too! Carol x
Wow Jules your a busy little holiday maker, I do sometimes take bits with me, especially when we go to Mull which is in two weeks time so not long. Do you always colour with promarkers ? I would like to visit York somewhere I have never been. I will be in Pickering this weekend as hubby is rallying in the Forrest but I don't ink I'll escape to York oh well maybe another time. Enjoy you're week end x
Oh how lovely for you to have had that break in York. So glad you enjoyed it, and you didn't waste a minute of it either by the looks of all those coloured images and flowers.
Beryl xx
dear Jules.
what a lovely post and gorgeous supplies and so many stamped images.
and what a lovely place is York.
i think you had a wonderful time and a great view in the shop.
your card is so pretty from the previous post and your coloring is realy perfect.
we had a wonderful time in Turkey and made such beautiful trips ,and also to the outback where we could see how the people were living there.
have a nice weekend my friend and hugs to you.
Great pics, looks like a beautiful area! Would love to see some real some lovely English towns oneday!
Glad you enjoyed your trip away and got a bit of crafting in, too!
Enjoy the flower maker! xoxo
Hi Jules, fab photos - I love York but haven't been up there in ages, super makes to take too! Carole Z xx
Oh what a pity Yorkshire couldn't give you a bit of sunshine, Jules, it was stunning on Sunday but the rest of the week has been grey!!! I'm glad you enjoyed York it's a beautiful city isn't it. I had to smile at you picking out your shop, I'm glad someone else does that when they are out and about, we can dream can't we??
I can't believe you got so much colouring in done, wow, you are industrious. Love those twine flowers too, had to scroll back to have a look at one and realised how many posts I've missed, oh dear!!
Haven't seen the gadget before but will have to look out for one, how lovely to receive a surprise gift when you got back. Crafty people are so kind aren't they.
Hugs Lisax
So glad you found some time to get away for a few days Jules.
Never been to York, but it's on the list of places to visit.
WOW - you managed to get A LOT of colouring done! That'll help once you get 5 mins to make a card.
Sarn xxx
Hi Jules
I LOVE York, one of my favourite places in the UK - whatever the weather. So glad you had a fun time - and those images you coloured are lovely, look forward to seeing them made into lovely cards!
Hugs, Di xx
wow you did a lot of colouring in. love the twine flowers.
Glad you enjoyed you few days away. Mind you who could not enjoy themselves in YORK!!! My most favourite place to visit, I love it. I am reading this 6.30am Saturday morning, you have made my day looking at your pictures of both your "crafty makes" and the "city"
I never thought of taking a "mini craft room" away with me. Must keep that in mind for future visits.
Super makes also liking the Flower Loom
Have a wonderful weekend
Patricia xxxx
A lovely post. Sounds like you have been having a great time. And in spite of the number of images you didn't colour - you sure managed to get a lot of crafting done. I'm going to have to scope down further to check out the twine flowers. Hugs, Lesley
Really enjoyed the photos of York! It has been about 6 years since I was there...I recognized the Shambles right away and have added that button shop to my address book of shops to check out in England!
A girl never knows when a great shopping opportunity is right around the corner!
You got so many images coloured! And love that you got that gift in the mail. Those ribbon/twine flowers are so lovely!
Hi Jules, I'm impressed with the crafty makes you achieved while away. And what a lovely surprise to come to. I'm pretty sure somewhere in the boxes that have traveled from Liverpool to London and then Gloucestershire I have a yellow Crazy Daisy from decades ago. When I have a few days (sorry weeks) I may have to track it down. And heaven knows what I may unearth...lol! Hugs, Pauline xx
Thanks for sharing!! i am so glad you enjoyed the trip to York, i went there once with my mum it was a lovely day out.
That sounds like the perfect weekend away! York is so beautiful - we went there when our kiddiewinks were very young and had a wonderful time in the Railway Museum. And how lovely The Shambles is (are?)! I'm glad you had such a good break!
love Mags B xx
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