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A very warm welcome to my teeny, tiny part of the huge world of blogging. This is where I share my passion for making hand made greeting cards. So - why "Always with a Heart"? Well this is for two reasons. Firstly, it is because every card I produce carries a heart on it somewhere. This can be big and bold or small and almost hidden - the fun sometimes is just trying to find it! Secondly it is because I put my heart into everything I produce. I hope that any visitors enjoy seeing what I post. If you drop by then please leave me a comment so that I know you called. It would be nice to know that you have found my heart in what I do.

Tuesday 14 May 2024


Hi everyone

I hope you have all had a really good start to your week and have managed to squeeze in a bit of crafty time.

Not much actual "physical crafting" happening here since our move .. .. .. but amongst all the things we have to do I have been cracking on with the very enjoyable task of "organising a make-shift craft area". 

So I now have access to a table, a chair, a working printer, a limited supply of crafting goodies and my trusty sewing machine .. .. .. .. .. all nestled amongst piles of boxes that cannot be unpacked yet.  But that's OK - as long as I get a crafty fix somewhere along the line then all is good.

Just a very quick play today .. .. .. but even so it was enjoyable, and I intend to run over to the snippet playground challenge with the outcome.  

Recently, though I seem to spend longer trying to find the things I want to use than doing the actual making! LOL!!!

But my misplaced cutting plates turned up so I am at least able to let some of my dies see some action.

and these were the small pieces I started off with / cut into.. .. .. ..

This used:

A snippet of digital patterned design paper
Black, white and smooth silver glitter card snippets (originally A4 in size)
Julie Hickey "Happy" and "Birthday" sentiment and backing dies
Star Dies
My Trusty Sewing Machine

So in my previous post I eluded to all my patterned snippets now being condensed into one box.  Well here it is .. .. .. .. ..

and I am determined to try really hard to get this box greatly reduced .. .. but I know only too well that even though I will use what is stored in this box I will also be adding to it!  So it will no doubt still be like the Forth Bridge.

The majority of the contents are patterned papers, both digital printed ones and some from design pads.  There might be a small smattering of plain card in there as well, but the majority of my plain coloured card snippets are stored elsewhere in a much more organised manner, sorted by colour.  Mostly offcuts left over from wedding stationery orders in the past.

Yesterday saw what will be my new crafty space have a screed added to the floor ahead of it being laminated (hopefully) tomorrow or Thursday.  Then it will be out with the sandpaper, paintbrushes and rollers!

Anyway, that is me for now.

I hope you are all keeping well and apologies for being a stranger.


LesleyG said...

I am so impressed you managed to make such a fabulous card amongst all the chaos! I love the backing paper, and the bold sentiment, all finished off perfectly with the stitching. Xxx

meg said...

Wonderful to see a great birthday card Jules,love the background and bold diecut greeting.Sounds as though your craft space will be up and running really soon,take care xx

Aquarius said...

A great card for the Snippets challenge - the large sentiment dies are so handy for a fairly quick card - once you've found and assembled all the 'bits' of course😉. So pleased to hear that your new crafty space is taking shape.

Sarn said...

Well that’s a lovely birthday card with its bold sentiment.

Sounds like you’ve lots of decorating to do. Good luck with that! The only paint I like using is acrylic or watercolour in my crafting!!

Thanks for finding the time to come and play in the Snippets Playground - and for sharing a pic of your snippets box too. Xxx

Liz said...

Fabulous card Jules, I love the large focal point sentiment. It sounds like you are settling well in your new home, wishing you every happiness there.
Liz xx

Eve said...

Hi Jules,
so good to see you back in blogland! I absolutely love your card - brilliant for those awkward males!
I'm so pleased that you are slowly getting your craft room set up but I bet it must be very frustrating trying to find what you need which is most probably in the last box that you unpack!
Good luck with the sanding and rolling - keep thinking of the end result.
When you have a minute pop over to my blog as I have made a virtual card for you :-)
Love Eve xx

Lynne said...

A BIG BOLD sentiment Jules. It looks fab against that background paper and your sparkly stars. It must be exciting getting your new house sorted and especially your craft space. Don't work too hard! xx

Di said...

Hi Jules! You used some of my favourite sentiment dies there!A fabulous card for a chap - I had to hunt for the heart but think I found it! I owe you an email and will write ASAP. SO glad to read that you're settling into your new home nicely. And, I though I had a ton of snippets - sheesh Jules. You little squirrel!

Love and hugs
Di xx