Hi Everyone
Guess what?
My order of lovely sparkly things arrived this morning by Parcel Force .. .. .. at 7.30am!!!!! Eeekkk!!
Thank goodness I was up bright and early this morning.
I couldn't wait to open my parcel and took it into the bedroom where I sat on the bed opening up each little cellophane packet .. .. much to the annoyance of a half asleep hubby!! LOL!!!
I don't have a make to share today so I thought you might like a glimpse of some of my sparkly things that will be making their way onto my wedding stationery samples.
Prepare for photograph overload .. .. .. and mega bling LOL!!
aren't they just gorgeous.
The one on the right hand side of the last photograph is stunning. It has like a pale grey faceted stone in the middle .. .. my picture does not do it justice.
I can't wait to get creating with them!!!
Next I would like to say thank you to my blog buddy
Annmaree who has very kindly given me an award. Mmmmm .... I love strawberries. Thank you Annmaree xx
As part of accepting this award I have to share 7 random fact about myself and pass the award on to 8 of my blogging pals.
Well as you know I am very naughty and never pass the awards on as I cannot possibly choose from all of you lovely peeps .. .. so would everyone who visits please class yourself as being awarded this little badge of honour!!
But I will be good and share 7 random facts .. .. if I can think of some I haven't shared before!! Mmmm... I feel you nearly know everything about me.
Oh well .. here we go .. .. and if any are repeats then I apologise.
1. I once chopped my finger tip off using one of those mandolin food slicers and the hospital didn't expect it to re-attach itself so just plonked it back on and strapped it up. It did re-attach itself and now I have what we call a "jelly tot" perched on the end of my middle finger!! A reminder of my clumsiness.
2. My favourite holidays have all been in Spain
3. I once fell over on my way home from school and grazed all the side of my face and cheekbone. I was really disappointed that I didn't get a black eye. Why?!?!?!?
4. The most daring thing I think I have eaten is frogs legs.
5. Once I am awake I struggle to go back to sleep because I am so excited about a new day starting (yes I know, very annoying!!).
6. I am not very good at mental arithmetic and depend on a calculator far too much (shame on me!!)
7. I love making wedding stationery because I like to feel I have been a part of a couple's special day
There you go. Hopefully no repeats!!!
We are off out tonight so I am afraid yet again I won't be around much. I am going to have one mega catching up job on my hands once the kids have gone home.
Sorry everyone!!
Have a good evening .. .. I hope all the bling hasn't dazzled your eyes.
Catch you again tomorrow.
Edited to say: Sorry I forgot to say .. .. yesterday's heart was part of the sentiment. It did catch a few of you!! Tee hee!!!