Hi Everyone
I just wanted to call by to wish everyone the very best Christmas they could possibly have.
Certainly this Christmas is going to be extra difficult for quite a few of my blog buddies but please know I will be thinking of you.
Christmas in the House of Hearts is going to start off gradually when the London Kids and the Local Kid arrive later today. All the tidying up will feel like it was a waste of time as they arrive with all their belongings (and no-doubt presents that will still need wrapping). But I can't wait, Christmas Eve is my most favourite day of the whole year and I am so excited about us all being together again as a family for a few days. Every second will be treasured and special.
Each day is going to get busier and busier as we build up to a manic day on Saturday with around 13 of us sitting down for a family meal .. .. and then it will calm down again come Sunday when it will be what I call the "stretch or starve day". Sunday everyone will have to grab whatever is around to eat as there will be no cooking coming from my direction .. .. I will probably be in a shattered heap in the corner snoring away!! LOL!
So all the presents and cards are delivered, our presents are all wrapped .. .. it is just the start of the food preparations now and the taking down of Mr Heart's birthday cards so they can be replaced with Christmas cards.
A huge thank you to everyone who has sent me Christmas cards, emails and good wishes for Christmas .. .. and an even bigger thank you to everyone who has continued to visit my blog even though I have struggled big time to return those lovely comments. I haven't been a very good blog buddy this year much to my dismay . .. but life has certainly been exciting on the crafting and business front and I definitely feel like I have stretched myself and learnt so much. I hope I continue to improve and grow during 2015.
I was super good this year though and stuck to my new year resolution of making Christmas cards all year .. .. but I could still have done with more in stock as yet again there were not enough for my lovely customers and I ended up doing urgent last minute makes .. .. plus it has also given me an even bigger problem in choosing my five favourites for taking over to Debby's annual "Five Favourite Christmas Cards" show and tell:
So in no particular order, and for the reasons I have given, here we go with my personal five favourite Christmas makes of 2014:
Number 1
This one uses probably my most used Christmas stamp of 2014. I have lost count of the number of times I have made this card .. .. or one very similar!! LOL!!
Number 2
I tried to make quite a few "flatter" Christmas cards this year and I just love the technique of layering a die cut within a die cut. Definitely one of my favourite techniques at the moment.
Number 3
Just love the "blackboard" look so had to include this little beauty (using a sentiment stamp that also got lots of use).
Number 4
This one joined the ranks as it was a completely different style for me and involved a few new techniques that I hadn't tried before. Not everyone's idea of a card full of Christmas cheer .. .. but I really loved the finish look.
Number 5
So there we go. My five favourites in one post.
Thanks for asking us to share them Debby, I really enjoyed looking back over what I had created during the year. I feel like making a Christmas card now .. .. .. but the kitchen is calling!! Time to start those Christmas food preparations and tidy away all the unfinished craft projects that need to go on hold for a little while.
Have a good one everyone!
Love and tight squeezy Christmas hugs