Good Morning Everyone!!!
How brilliant does it feel to be able to say that!!!!
Lovely hubby finally got everything sorted by late last night so all being well I am back in the land of blog.
Everything seems to be working this morning .. .. just nipped and fetched my lappy into bed to make sure it is still working and wasn't all a lovely dream .. .. and no it wasn't .. .. my dream is actually reality!! Yeah!!!
We ended up buying a new router. We half wondered if that would be some of the problem because the old one was about four days out of an extended two year warranty .. . typical!!
Never mind .. .. we are up and running now. For some reason last night it only wanted to work at a fast rate of knots when I was wired into the router but now I am OK wireless too .. .. heaven!!
I will be back later with a creation. Hopefully all that will be ok too .. .. haven't tried uploading photographs yet.
Thanks for all your words of encouragement whilst I was "out of action" .. .. .. what a lovely set of blog buddies I have.
I am all excited now!!!! See ya later!!! LOL!!!

phew, i was starting to experience jules bloggy withdrawal symptoms!! need a jules card fix so will be checking in when i get home from work!!! lol!! hugs lou xxx
Welcome back to blog land Jules!
Wecome back!
Clare x
Glad to see you back, we have had a few comp probs recently as well, sooo frustrating, love your pile of cards and those cute little birdies, you must have had a rush of crafting inspiration. Hugs Heidi xx
Nice to have you back on board.xxxx
lol, can't wait to come buy for my daily card-fix from you, totally missed it!!!
Wellcome back Jules its always a dull world without you and your blog you bring so much sunshine to our day. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
Welcome back my blogging buddy! so pleased to see that you are up and running again.
love the card you've posted using your glimmer mist, gorgeous colours.
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